Chapter 7

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Derek: "Good morning." he says coming over to where Sky is sitting at a desk in the ER
Sky: "Good morning" she says looking at the computer and looks up to see him looking at her "What?"
Derek: "Nothing. Just wanted to see how you're doing."
Sky: "I'm good" she says looking back at the computer and after a few seconds she looks back up to see him still looking at her "Ok what do you want?"
Derek: "Me and Addison started couples therapy this morning."
Sky: "Oh no. No, no, no." she says getting up from her spot as he follows after her
Derek: "Oh come on. I need someone to talk to about all this. And who better than the woman I've talked to about everything for my entire life."
Sky: "No. Look I said I wasn't going to judge you for getting back with her but I really don't want to hear about you guys couple problems."
Derek: "Come on please. I-" he says getting stopped by his pager beeping
Sky: "Looks like you're needed somewhere. Go, go, go save lives and all that." she says pushing him forward as he looks back at her before turning to walk properly away from her

Doctor: "That is my patient."
Cristina: "He's ours now. If you wanna fight me for it I guarantee you I'll win."
Sky: "What is going on in here?" she asks having been walking past the room and hearing the noise
Cristina: "Dr. Rivers, just a moment here. Please, look at his abdomen."
Doctor: "It's a male hysterical pregnancy. It's a Psych case, and it's mine." he says hitting the man's stomach a little making him mad
Man: "It's not hysterical! I am pregnant!"
Doctor: "See? Psych."
Cristina: "No, his belly is distended. There's no signs of ascites. And I clearly feel a mass with deep palpation. Surgical."
Izzie: "Guys."
Man: "I told you I could prove it."
Doctor: "Psych!"
Cristina: "Surgical!"
Sky: "You're doctors. Act like it."
Izzie: "Guys."
Doctor: "Psych!"
Cristina: "Surgical!"
Izzie: "Guys!" she says gaining everyone's attention while holding up a stick "Shane took a pregnancy test. And it's positive."
Sky: "He's definitely a surgical patient now." she says taking the test and chart from Izzie and Meredith

Bailey: "Do not think for a moment I condone stealing patients. That said, way to go." she says after they page Addison and a photographer comes into the room
Shane: "The first pregnancy test I took was a joke, to make Tina laugh."
Tina: "We didn't think it would lead to, you know, this."
Addison: "Mr. Herman, I can assure you, you are in no way pregnant." she says making him breathe out in relief
Shane: "That's a relief. To hear it officially. But why was that stick blue?"
Sky: "We're going to find out. Stevens. Do a shotgun workup, including tumor markers. And get CT to make some room for us in line. Don't worry Mr. Herman we'll take good care of you." she says giving the man and his wife a reassuring smile before walking out the room
Shane: "What's this for again?"
Izzie: "Uh Medical journals, monthly case reports."
Cristina: "Annual banquet highlight reels."

Derek: "Heard you got a pregnant guy." he says sitting next to her in the attendings lounge
Sky: "Not pregnant. But he does have something in his stomach." she says taking a bite out of her food
Derek: "Nice. So listen-"
Sky: "I'm not hearing about your relationship with Addison."
Derek: "Come on" he says while groaning out "We always vent to each other."
Sky: "I can't really find it in myself to care."
Derek: "You said you would be supportive."
Sky: "I am being supportive. But if you tell me about your problems I am simply going to suggest that maybe you should break up with her. And it doesn't seem like that's what you want to hear so..." she says sighing before looking at him "I love you Derek. You're my brother and any other time I would be all ears for you but you're going to want me to be objective and show you your side and her side and I can't do that. I gotta go." she says grabbing the chart and walking out the room

Sky: "Mesenteric teratoma, Chief." she says as they look at Shane's scans
Izzie: "In an adult male."
Richard: "Is this possible?"
Sky: "It is now. Large bilobed cystic lesion-"
Izzie: "With a calcified structure."
Richard: "A deformed mandible."
Sky: "Labs show elevated HCG levels. That explains the false positive on the pregnancy test."
Izzie: "Which also means-"
Richard: "Probably malignant." he says going over to Shane to look at his stomach
Meredith: "You ok? You look a little green. I think he needs some air, Chief."
Richard: "Deep breaths, Mr. Herman."
Shane: "It's just most of this medical-speak goes right over my head."
Izzie: "You have what's called a teratoma. And it's really very rare in adults."
Meredith: "Which is why you're so popular. It's just a mass of cells that's probably been there your whole life, only now-"
Izzie: "It's growing."
Shane: "Yeah. Growing jaw bones. And toenails. And, uh, clumps of hair. Yeah, I've been listening."
Tina: "No one's really talking to us."
Meredith: "Just about you. I know what that's like."
Cristina: "What did I miss?" she asks coming into the room excitedly
Izzie: "Is that-Is that rectal jelly on your scrubs?" she asks in disgust as Cristina's pager beeps making her sigh out and turn back out the room
Meredith: "Dr. Rivers, all the attention, all the people, they are making them panic."

Having a moment of free time, Sky goes up to watch Burke's surgery. While in there she sees everybody whispering to each other while looking at Meredith and when Derek comes into the room they bring their attention over to him, making him decide to stay in the doorway of the room while looking down at the surgery

Burke: "Ok. Looks like Mrs. Griswold is doing well. Suction. Can we fix the mechanical stabilizer here? Right now it's gonna hit..."
Cristina: "Look at that. A perfectly exposed, partially numb beating heart. It's a beautiful thing."
Burke: "Code Red!" he yells out as they look down to see the woman's heart catch on fire
Nurse: "Stand back!"
Izzie: "It caught fire."
Goerge: "Her heart's on fire."
Burke: "We have to save Mrs. Griswold. Begin fire protocol. Code Red." he says as they work to put her heart out while an alarm sounds
George: "We need wet towels!"
Burke: "O'Malley disconnect the leads."
George: "Got it."
Burke: "Any unnecessary personnel in this room, evacuate now. Shut down the O2."
George: "Already on it."
Burke: "Start manual respiration."
George: "Ok, I've got the Ambu bag. Starting manual respiration."
Burke: "Gotta control this bleeding. Her vitals are stabilizing. We might just have a chance." he says as they put the fire out and the alarms stop

Addison: "He wants me to move here, Richard. To pick up everything and move."
Richard: "Don't stay for him, Addison. Stay for me. Stay for yourself."
Addison: "Richard, l-"
Richard: "In Seattle, you'll be front-page news. With your reputation and the money I'll put into promoting you, Seattle Grace will become the foremost neonatal hospital west of Manhattan." he says making her chuckle a little
Addison: "You're serious?"
Richard: "I'm ready to put my money where my mouth is."
Addison: "What about Sky? Didn't she threaten to leave if I started working here?"
Richard: "I'll figure it out with Sky." he says making her sigh out

Sky: "Turn around. Walk away." she says stopping Derek from walking over to Meredith
Derek: "From what?"
Sky: "From the intern."
Derek: "What? I wasn't."
Sky: "Yeah. Yes, you were. Come on, look, you can't do this. You don't have the right. Not anymore."
Derek: "I just want to find out if she's ok."
Sky: "She's not. She's a human traffic accident and everybody's slowing down to look at the wreckage. She's doing the best she can with what she has left. I know you can't see this because you're in it, but you can't help her now. You'll only make it worse. Walk away. Leave her to mend. Go on."

Meredith: "What is going on in here? Everybody out!" she says coming into Mr. Herman's room to see a large group of people taking pictures of him and betting money
Doctor: "We already have a-"
Meredith: "Out! Mr. Herman is a patient, a surgical patient, who's sick and embarrassed and tired of being stared at! You two, this isn't a zoo!" she shouts while looking at Cristina and Izzie "Out, out, out! You know, if all of you want to point and whisper and stare at me, knock yourselves out! Look at Meredith, isn't she sad, pathetic and heartbroken? Maybe she's gone mental. Maybe I have! But leave Mr. Herman alone! You should be ashamed of yourself" she says pushing everybody out the room as Sky wacthes from the nurses desk with a smile on her face and Meredith sees Derek come around the corner making her glare at him "And what are you looking at?"

After prepping Shane they bring him to the OR and begin his surgery

Sky: "Dr. Grey" she says gaining the woman's attention as Richard and her work on removing Shane's teratoma "Would you like to be the one to remove it?" she asks making said woman and the other interns look at her with wide eyes
Meredith: " Yes. Dr. Rivers."
Sky: "Well come on" she says moving over and positioning Meredith's hands in the right places before speaking softly to her "What you did for him sweet. You focused on your patient. That's what a doctor does. You're not pathetic Meredith. You fell for a guy who didn't turn out to be the way you thought he was. If that was the case then half the population would be considered pathetic." she says as they give each other small smiles underneath their masks before Meredith removes the teratoma and brings it over to a tray
Bailey: "You really want to be the one to dispose of this, Grey?"
Meredith: "I made a promise."

Sky: "You wanted to see me." she says knocking on Richard's office door
Richard: "Yes. I wanted to inform you that Addison will be signing on with Seattle Grace. And before you threaten to quit you're under contract. It expires in a year and I'm hoping that by that time you'll want to still be here but...I thought you should know." he says watching her face fall a little before she speaks up
Sky: "Ok."
Richard: "That's it?" he questions confused "You're not even going to try to fight me on this?"
Sky: "Why should I bother." she says shrugging her shoulders and walking out the room

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