Chapter 3

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Richard: "Okay, let's get started." he says to the attendings in the room

Mark: "Yeah, let's do it. Got a lot of standing around to do today."

Richard: "He's right, people. Starting today, fifth-year residents rotate in as lead surgeons."

Callie: "We've alerted the morgue." she jokes as the others chuckle

Richard: "Attendings, you will observe and stay silent. Offer help only when you absolutely have to."

Bailey: "Yeah, before you help them swim, let 'em sink a little."

Richard: "The next order of business...effective 9:00 A.M. this morning, I have resigned as chief of surgery of Seattle Grace Mercy West hospital" he states making the others look at him in surprise "I will stay on the surgical staff. I will turn this meeting over to the new chief of surgery, Dr. Owen Hunt." he goes to sit in the seat where Owen was as Owen stands at the front of the table

Owen: "Thanks, Dr. Webber. I know this comes as a surprise to all of you, too. And I appreciate, over the next couple of days, your help and your patience. Um, so now I have your call schedules, but I can have them dist-"

Arizona: "Wait. What happened?"

Sky: "Why did it happen?"

Derek: "Is this the board? Are they forcing you to step down? Hmm?" he asks as Richard stays silent 

Teddy: "Hunt. You're the new chief of surgery. Nice." she smiles at him as a few of the other doctors talk indistinctly and a look comes over Bailey's face

Woman: "He just seems so little. I mean, I thought it could wait."

Jackson: "I understand, but I assure you that now is the right time. By fixing those muscles early, his maxilla, his whole upper jaw, will have a real shot at forming properly."

Woman: "But he'll have a scar?"

Jackson: "Well, I'm gonna do what's called a straight-line repair. So that'll leave a little scar, which I'll hide right in the contour of his lip right here. And then over time, it'll fade altogether. Shouldn't even be noticeable. Then he'll look even more handsome than he does right now, if that's possible." he picks up the baby while giving him a smile

Woman: "He is a pretty handsome guy, isn't he?"

Jackson: "He certainly is. Yes, you are. You want to wait here with your mama while I go get you all set up? Yeah? I'll come back this afternoon, all right, buddy?"

Woman: "Thank you, Dr. Avery." she smiles gratefully at him as Jackson hands her son to her

Jackson: "My pleasure. He'll do great."

Arizona: "Excellent. You couldn't have been clearer, you answered her questions, you eased her fears."

Jackson: "Thanks. That's, um..."

Arizona: "Mark Sloan's gonna do the surgery, though." she states making him turn to face her with a shocked look

Jackson: "How's that?"

Arizona: "It's not you. You're great. You're the gunther. But you're planning a straight-line repair, and I'd rather the kid get a millard rotation so that we don't risk the lip shortening over time."

Jackson: "But I was actually-"

Arizona: "For the kid's sake, I-I gotta have Sloan do it. He's-he's an artist."

Jackson: "Dr. Robbins, uh, it's my procedure."

Arizona: "I'm sorry, Avery. Just not this time."

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