Chapter 3

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Perkins: "Almost all of the surgeons in your program have been cleared to operate. The remaining cases will be referred to Dr. Wyatt, and she'll clear those people when she feels they're ready."

Derek: "What about Cristina Yang? What's the timeline there?"

Richard: "Dr. Perkins felt that we should assign Dr. Yang to something low-stress for a few months...research, admin duties."

Derek: "Administration? That's the best you can do? Put her on my service."

Richard She's not on anyone's service, Derek. She'll be in the hospital, she just won't go near a surgery."

Derek: "Well, you do that, and she'll leave. She will not come back to this program. Put her on my service."

Owen: "I already tried it, Shepherd."

Callie: "Well, Hunt's right. She's not ready."

Bailey: "She wasn't ready before. Maybe now she is."

Mark: "I think we should give him a shot."

Arizona: "Well, especially if nothing else is working."

Sky: "She crawled under a table in the O.R. two weeks ago."

Callie: "Thank you." they all talk over each other 

Derek: "She goes, I go."

Richard: "That's insane."

Derek: "If she goes, I go." he says as they continue to talk over each other and the meeting ends and they head out the room

Arizona: "Talk to Cristina."

Callie: "She's in the middle of a nervous breakdown. I can't push her."

Arizona: "In two weeks, my landlord is gonna hand keys to a Swedish couple with a truckload of Swedish furniture, and I said I'd be gone."

Callie: "Teddy, can you...mention it to Owen, like casually, "hey, how's the apartment search going? No pressure, but Callie and Arizona have a life." "You're crowding them, and Arizona can't handle it." she asks Teddy who turns to grab something from the table and they see the tears in her eyes

Sky: "Are you...Teddy, are you okay?"

Teddy: "Andrew's leaving."

Callie: "Oh. Oh, no, you didn't. She got attached."

Arizona: "Oh, no. No, no, no. You were supposed to be smart and cool and GI Jane."

Teddy: "I know that. I know that. Instead, I got attached to the trauma guy who swoops in and swoops out a month later. I'm such an idiot. I'm not GI Jane. I'm attachment Barbie."

Arizona: "Oh, you poor thing. Come here. Come here, come here, come here" she pulls her into a hug "You know what would make you feel better?"

Teddy: "What?"

Arizona: "Telling Owen to get off his ass and get his traumatized wife out of our apartment."

Sky: "Is that who I think is it?" she comes over to where Amelia and Mark are standing at a desk together

Amelia: "Sky! I forgot you worked here.  How have you been?" she pulls her into a hug

  How have you been?" she pulls her into a hug

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