Chapter 18

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Bailey: "Uh, Chief I need to ask you, about..."

Richard: "Oh Sloan. Have you heard from Derek?"

Mark: "No." he walks away as Richard sighs before looking back at Bailey 

Richard: "I'm sorry. You were saying? Oh, Meredith."

Meredith: "No, I don't know how he is. I have heard nothing. Nothing today, nothing yesterday and nothing the day before that and no, I will not go back out there."

Richard: "Sky?"

Sky: "My answer hasn't changed since you asked me this morning."

Callie: "Hey. Who moved my surgery? Chief. Chief."

Bailey: "Dont', he's a wreck, he is desintegrating before our very eyes. That's why men die earlier than women." they watch as Richard moves to leave in one direction before noticing it's the wrong way and goes the other

Sky: "The board's a mess."

Bailey: "He can't lose Shepherd. I could go talk some sense into him, but I got too much on my plate."

Callie: "Have you tried calling him?" she looks over at Sky

Sky: "About a hundred times" she sighs before seeing the look on Bailey's face "You want me to go to the woods?"

Bailey: "He's your best friend. Bout time you two made up."

Sky: "I have a surgery today. Really big surgery."

Bailey: "Have Hunt take over."

Sky: "Absolutely not...send Callie." she points to the woman who looks at them with wide eyes

Callie: "I don't do woods. The woods are dirty and there are many, many bugs" she denies as Bailey just stares at her "What am I gonna say to the guy? I barely know him."

Bailey: "You don't have to know him. You're both surgeons you've been through the same war. Look, just remind him we;ve all been there, we all came back."

Callie: "You're kind of a bully, you know that?" she asks while sighing

Bailey: "I wouldn't do it if it didn't work so well." she mutters to herself as she walks away

Mark: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is Mr David Young. Today he'll be receiving a face transplant. Dr. Rivers and her team will be recovering the donor's facial graft. We're replacing 70% of Mr. Young's face. You can see the deficit here." he points to the simulation on the computer 

David: "Or here." he points to hisa making a few people in the room chuckle 

Sky: "The donor recovery will include his nose, left eye, lips, left zygoma. Why will allotransplantation work better than traditional techniques?"

Lexie: "Better aesthetic outcome, which allows for reinnervation of the facial nerves, giving a better functional result."

Sky: "Very good, Dr. Grey." she smiles at her

Mark: "Then we'll position the flap over Mr. Young's face. How do we know we're in the clear?"

Lexie: "When the graft turns pink."

Mark: "Excellent. Dave, any questions for us?"

David: "Has anyone seen the donor?"

Mark: "Yes. He's a match with your age, skin tone and blood type."

David: "What does he look like?"

Mark: "I think you'll be satisfied." he smirks at him

David: "Who am I kidding? It's a face, right? If I end up anything above a point-and-stare freak, I'm gonna call it a success."

Sky: "Karev, you're with me on the donor. Usually we take them at the same time, but the donor's life support is fading fast. We gotta move."

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