Chapter 8

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Sydney: "So

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Sydney: "So...why the brain? Why biology's crown jewel?"

Derek: "You mean why did I go into neurosurgery?"

Sydney: "Come on. Share. Share with Sydney."

Derek: "It was the headset with the magnifying glasses that tipped the scale for me."

Sky: "This is just sad." she says taking a swig of her drink as her and Mark sit at the bar at Joe's while watching Derek sit a table with Sydney

Sydney: "And the man has a sense of humor. I like that" she laughs out making Mark mouth something to Derek when he looks over at the pair "Work stuff" she says after a moment of silence between the two when her pager goes off "As if you didn't know. I'll just be a sec."

Mark: "Is she dying? Is that why?" he asks when Sydney gets up and him and Sky come over to sit next to him

Derek: "Oh, come on. Grow up. She's nice. She asked me out."

Sky: "Want me to fake a heart attack? I do a great fake heart attack."

Derek: "Here she comes."

Mark: "Carry on." he says as they quickly head back over to the bar

Derek: "What do we got?"

Sky: "High school bus crash. Bunch of kids just came in. We got more on the way."

Paramedic: "Tricia Hale, 17, vital signs stable. Sustained a large facial laceration, trauma to the buttock area and an open fracture to the lower right leg."

Sky: "Okay, trauma room two."

Tricia: "It's still bleeding. My face is still bleeding."

Callie: "We'll get to that in a minute, ok?"

Tricia: "We? No, try the head of plastic surgery. No one is touching my face until I've spoken to the head of plastic surgery. No one."

Paramedic: "34-year-old passenger Marcus King, no complaints except deep cuts on his left arm. Stable on route."

Marcus: "Listen, I'm fine. Please help the kids first."

George: "They're being taken care of. What happened?"

Marcus: "I was taking the kids on a tour of colleges. We're from California. The bus slid down an embankment."

Sky: "One, two, three." she says as they transfer him to another bed

Marcus: "Mandi? Mandi!"

Bailey: "Marcus?"

Sky and George: "Mandi?" they question looking over at said woman

Marcus: "Listen, I really can't feel what you're doing. But I hope you're not leaving a big, old scar."

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