Chapter 4

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Meredith: "What are you starting with?" she asks as she lays in bed with Derek

Derek: "Laminectomy."

Meredith: "Are you doing it open or endoscopically?"

Derek: "You know what? I'm not gonna do this." he gets out the bed 

Meredith: "What?"

Derek: "You're the one who left neuro."

Meredith: "I know."

Derek: "Yeah, well, I'm not gonna do this whole thing where you're sad about every case that I have."

Meredith: "I'm not sad. I'm trying to start a conversation"

Derek: "Okay, well...make conversation about something else. I gotta go." he walks out the room

Derek: There are distinct differences...between male and female brains.

Richard: Female brains have a larger hippocampus...which usually makes them better at retention and memory.

Richard is standing in his kitchen wrapping a plate of food in foil for Adele. He puts it in the fridge along with a note saying to eat the food at a certain time

Allesia: "Sky come on. We need to leave now if we don't wanna be stuck in traffic." she calls out as she stands in the living room with Mark

Sky: "Ok, ok, ok. I'm here." she comes into the room with her bag

Allesia: "Finally."

Sky: "Not my fault the little one continues to press against my bladder."

Allessia: "Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever. Come on." she takes the bag from her to hold it as Mark pulls Sky into a hug

Mark: "Have fun. And remember no stressing."

Allessia: "It's a spa. It's like the number one place to not stress out at." she says making the other two chuckle

Sky: "I'll see you Sunday night."

Mark: "I'll see you then." he kisses her before the two women walk out the apartment

April: "Okay, I get that you like to put your dirty clothes in my laundry because, frankly, if you didn't, you'd never have any clean clothes. Fine. I will wash your dirty underpants. But you know what? I am not okay with washing your skank of the week's dirty underpants." she holds up a pair on panties with a pencil 

Alex: Male brains have a bigger parietal cortex...

Alex: "Uh..." he trails off looking at the underwear in front of him

Alex: Which helps when fending off an attack.

Jackson: "Actually, those are...Lexie's. Thank you." he clears his throat and takes them from her hand

April: "Oh. She w..."

Jackson: "Oh, yeah."

April: "Okay. Never mind." she walks out the room into the laundry room 

Jackson: "Not Lexie's." he hands them to Alex when April's out of sight

Alex: "Nope. Lauren, third floor, radiology."

Jackson: "Oh. Nice."

Jackson: Male brains confront challenges differently than female brains.

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