Chapter 1

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Sky: "Are you free? Derek, there's an incoming head trauma, and the pit's overcrowded with early flu season." she says coming over to where Derek and Richard are standing by the OR board

Sky: "Chief-Excuse me" she says coming into his office to see him standing in the room with Adele "The IDC is here. We had a couple come in. Derek finished a craniotomy on the wife, but her husband's got severe flu. Swollen lymph nodes, buboes. Turns out they came in contact with-"

Richard: "The plague? Look, I'm sorry, Adele. I need to deal with this."

Richard: "IDC has everything under control?" he asks as they walk down the halls

Sky: "They work fast. Anyone that was in contact is quarantined. Shepherd and O'Malley are not happy. Everything's under control if you need to get back to your wife."

Richard: "Oh, no. I should check in with the IDC rep. Gonna have to stay on top of my hospital. Keep me posted."

Sky: "Will do." she says nodding her head going to walk another way when a voice stops her

Man: "Hello. Hello! I need help. Somebody. Please. I know you can hear me. I see you standing in your giant, white spacesuit."

Sky: "Sir?" she asks standing next to the door

Man: "Yes!"

IDC Worker: "No unauthorized personnel beyond this point, ma,am. IDC regulations."

Sky: "Look I know he's under quarantine, but he's also a patient, and I will not ignore a patient. It's not like I'm going to open the door." she says as he moves out the way and she stands in front of the small window in the door

Man: "Hello out there. Thank God. Thank God you can hear me. How is my wife?"

Sky: "My name is Dr. Rivers. Sky Rivers. Your wife is out of surgery. She's quarantined in recovery, but she's fine. You were asking for help?"

Man: "Know how many day's I've been here?"

Sky: "It's only been a few hours."

Man: "Really? I'm losing I'm losing track of time."

Sky: "Ok, sir, you're sweating. I need you to sit down. Get back in bed."

Man: "What about my wife, Giselle? Can you find out about Giselle?" he says going to sit on the bed

Sky: "Like I said, sir, she came out of surgery just fine, but I can check on her status again. You just stay calm until I get back."

Man: "No! No, wait, wait. Don't go. Please. Just Just stay a minute. Please."

Sky: "Ok, um I'm staying."

Omar: "Omar. Call me Omar."

Sky: "Ok, Omar. I'm-I'm right here." she says leaning against the door so he can still hear her


Clock ticking


Addison: "Derek. Derek, listen to me. Derek, you can't do this. We have to talk about this."

Derek: "No, we don't."

Addison: "You have to give me a chance to explain. Wait. What are you doing with my clothes? It was one time! I know that's what people say. I know that's what gets said. I don't know how it happened. Don't know what I was thinking. He was here." she says following him down the stairs

Derek: "You screw my best friend and all you can say is, "He was here?" Get out." he says opening the door and throwing the clothes in his hands outside

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