Chapter 10

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Lexie: "Hi" she comes over to stand next to where Mark is at the nurses desk as he ignores her "I get it. I'm the one who organized a crazy cabal of secret cutter interns. The thing is, I've been advised to seek out sex as a way out of my sad predicament, but I think I would rather just learn today, so...what do you say? You, me..."

Mark: "Why are you talking about sex to me?" he whispers to her "It's inappropriate. I'm your teacher. I have things to teach...double board certified things."

Lexie: "No, that was always...that's what I was talking about, for...for you to teach me medicine. The...the sex was that...that was a joke."

Sky: "Hey." she comes over to the pair

Mark: "Hey." he clears his throat standing up straighter as he looks at her

Sky: "I heard that you're performing a hypopharynx reconstruction today."

Mark: "I'm gonna make a woman speak again."

Sky: "Yeah I read up about it."

Mark: "You read up on my surgery?"

Sky: "I read up about a lot of surgeries. And since I've never seen one done before, mind if I scrub in and watch?" she gives him a sweet smile

Mark: "No problem. I would have you assist but I already promised that position to Dr. Bailey."

Sky: "That's fine. I don't care."

Mark: "Alright. You can join Dr. Grey and me."

Sky: "Dr. Grey who's been banned from the OR?" she asks pointing at Lexie

Mark: "She's on cappuccino duty, which, Dr. Grey, I'm still waiting for."

Lexie: "Right away. Thank you." she walks away as Mark turns and gives Sky a nervous smile

Mark: "Interns, am I right." he awkwardly says as she raises her eyebrows at him in question

Sky: "Okay."

Mark: "I'll be meeting with the patient in a little bit want to come?"

Sky: "Sure."

Mark: "Let's go."

Lexie: "Kathleen Patterson. A laryngectomy five years ago resulted in the loss of her ability to speak. Kathleen's undergone several surgical attempts to restore her voice in the past five years, none have been successful."

Man: "Oh, oh, this time, though, this time, uh, we have a good feeling about this. Right honey?" she holds up a stickey note with the word 'yes' on it as she keeps typing on her laptop

Mark: "As discussed, I'll get the blood supply from your arm and the cartilage...from your..." he trails off when seeing her not paying attention to them

Man: "Uh, Kathleen? Honey? honey. You can talk to me."

Mark: "I'll get the skin and the blood supply from her arm and the cartilage from her nose to construct a makeshift speaking tube, which will bome her new voice box." Bailey: "Now you should be aware there's a chance the procedure might not work."

Mark: "He's clear on that."

Bailey: "I'm just reminding him not to get his hopes up."

Mark: "Any other questions I can answer?"

Man: "Kathleen? Honey?" she holds up one that says 'no' as they all exchange awkward looks between them

Callie: "Oy, okay. So the new intern, Meredith's friend..." she hurries over to Mark as they walk down the hall

Mark: "The psycho with no appendix?"

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