Chapter 13

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Derek: "Unbelievable." he mutters coming over to the nurses desk where Sky is laying her head down

Sky: "What?" her voice being muffled by the desk

Derek: "He is so...ugh!"

Sky: "Ok, Derek" she sighs out while pushing her hair back "I was in a 12 hour procedure last night and then got woken up at 3:00 a.m. so I am running on zero sleep right now. And I really don't have time for your babbling. So if you have something you want to talk about, just talk."

Derek: "The whole reason I came to Seattle was because Richard promised Chief of Surgery and now he wants to give it to Burke. And you know the whole reason I stayed when he signed Addison and Mark on was because I was going to eventually be Chief and now..." he rants before turning to see Sky's eyes closed as her head is resting against her fist "Sky!"

Sky: "What?" she jolts awake

Derek: "Did you hear anything I said?"

Sky: "You want to be Chief. He's giving it to Burke, whatever. You know- can we have this conversation later. Preferrably when I'm not 2 seconds away from falling into a coma."

Derek: "Fine." he says walking away as she sighs out before laying her head back down on the desk

After closing her eyes for a few minutes, Sky feels a tap on her shoulder making her groan out before lifting her head up

Sky: "What?" she snaps out before looking up and seeing Benjamin smiling down at her "Oh, I'm sorry."

Benjamin: "It's ok. I've seen what you do to an alarm clock so it's not all that surprising."

Sky: "What are you doing here?"

Benjamin: "You had an early morning procedure and I figured you weren't gonna get enough to eat so..." he says holding up a bag from the bakery and a cup of coffee making her sigh out happily

Sky: "You are the best. You know that."

Benjamin: "I try. You have time to eat with me?" he asks as she goes to say yes before her pager beeps

Sky: "I wish" she says as he nods his head and she stands from her seat and walks around to give him a kiss "Thank you. I'll see you later."

Benjamin: "See ya."

Sky: "What happened?" she asks after coming into the room 

Callie: "Came in with a dislocated patella, dehydration. Quick-onset compartment syndrome in bilateral legs. CK is through the roof."

Cristina: "His potassium is 7.6. He looks like he's had a recent Ml. I've started pushing meds for hypokalemia, no response."

Sky: "His kidneys are failing. Why in the hell is this progressing so rapidly?"

Callie: "Oh, damn it!"

Cristina: "What?"

Callie: "Aspirin. With dehydration, his muscles are breaking down. Aspirin is accelerating it. His system's crashing."

Sky: "The toxins are going to kill him. I need to put in a dialysis catheter under fluoro. Let's get this man to an OR now, people."

Sky: "You want to open a free clinic? At Seattle Grace? Why?" she asks as her and Bailey scrub in for their surgies

Bailey: "Illness caught early means fewer unnecessary surgeries. Fewer unnecessary deaths."

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