Chapter 16

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Meredith: "Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema." she comes over to where Cristina is walking

Cristina: "Aortic pulmonary dissection."

Meredith: "Yes! No. Wait, no. That's not right. Well, what I'm...what I'm saying is I finally understand the complexities of postobstructive pulmonary edema."

Cristina: "Uh-huh." she mutters looking at a nurse standing at the other end of the nurses station looking through a chart 

Merdith: "Because I've been up since 4:00 A.M., studying for the boards with Sky. Since 4:00 A.M. I haven't seen my husband or my baby since yesterday. I don't even care, because Sky blew my mind. She blew my mind. My hair is on fire. I mean, literal flames shooting out of my head."

Cristina: "Mm-hmm. Yeah. That's really...whatever. You know what? I'm gonna catch up with you later."

Meredith: "I mean, she's that good. I am gonna kill the boards. I am gonna make the boards my bitch."

Cristina: "Yeah, boards, bitch, got it."

Meredith: "Because I...ow! What are we doing?" she asks when Cristina stops walking and runs her back into Meredith's chest

Cristina: "Nothing."

Meredith: "You look weird. Why do you look so weird?"

Cristina: "I do not look weird. You were...talking about...uh, the boards."

Meredith: "I was talking about what a good teacher Sky is, and you weren't listening."

Cristina: "No, I-I was listening."

Meredith: "What did I say? Cristina?"

Cristina: "Your hair is fire, Sky is that good, the boards are your bitch. I-I gotta go." she walks away 

Meredith: "The boards are my bitch." she tells herself

Derek: "I will see you at lunch, all right? Oh, Dr. Bailey, is the dumbbell tumor still on the books?"he asks when he comes into the daycare

Bailey Yes, all good to..." she trails off looking at Zola "Is Meredith out sick today or..."

Derek: "She came in early to study with Sky. Why?"

Bailey: "Um, no, no reason. It's just that she usually...drops Zola off. So..." she stares at Zola for a moment "Um, I'll see you up there."

Derek: "Okay. Say good-bye..." he watches as she walks out the room before another walks in and gives the pair a weird look 

Mark: "What do we got?"

Paramedic: "Espresso machine exploded at a coffeehouse on Roosevelt. Got a 24-year-old female with second-degree burns on her chest, neck, and face."

Angie: "Oh, God. Is my face melted?"

Jackson: "Is that a large-bore I.V.?"

Paramedic: "I.V.'s in the left arm."

Jackson: "That's not what I asked you. You should've put in a large-bore I.V."

Paramedic: "It's a 20 gauge. Do you want me to-"

Jackson: "I'll do it myself since I want it done right." he states making Mark give him a pointed look 

Mark: "What's your name?"

Angie: "Angie. Is my face melted?"

Mark: "No, Angie. Try and relax. Get a burn kit."

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