Chapter 12

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Sky: "Ok...and extra clothes?" she asks outloud as she gets a bag together for Hayes

Callie: "You already packed them."

Sky: "Right" she thinks after a moment "His
wolf..." she looks through the bag not seeing it making her eyes widen "Where's his wolf?"

Callie: "Huh?"

Sky: "He only calms down when he has his wolf? Where is his wolf?" she calls out through the apartment as she starts searching for it

Mark: "Right here." he walks into the room with Hayes in his arms who is holding his wolf teddy bear

Sky: "Oh." she breathes in relief

Arizona: "Nervous about the first day back?"

Sky: "I haven't been in an OR in months. And yesterday I was all excited and now I've realized that I won't be around him all day."

Mark: "It'll be okay. He's gonna be in the same building as us." he assures

Sky: "Yeah. Yeah you're right" she puts a few more things in his bag before grabbing it along with her own and then takes Hayes from Mark's arms "Okay. I will see you guys there."

Arizona: "Where are you going?"

Sky: "To take him to daycare."

Callie: "You don't have to be at work for like 40 more minutes." she looks at her watch in confusion

Sky: "Yeah but I figured that's gonna take that same amount of time before I can leave him so..." she shrugs and Callie nods in understanding "Love you." she kisses Mark

Mark: "Love you two. Both of you."

Arizona: "Bye" she calls out as Mark opens the door for Sky who waves before walking off and when the door closes the two women turn to look at Mark expectantly "So..."

Mark: "So what?"

Callie: "When are you going to do it?"

Mark: "We're not having this discussion again." he shakes his head and goes into the kitchen

Callie: "Why not? You've had this thing for literally a month. How long are you just gonna let it sit in a box?"

Mark: "I haven't decided yet, alright. There's a lot of factors involved."

Arizona: "Factors? What factors? You've worked through your issues. You guys are stronger than ever. You have your adorable miracle. You're madly in love with each other. What else is there?" she asks and he sighs before grabbing his stuff

Mark: "I gotta go."

Callie: "Hey were not done here."

Mark: "Yeah okay." he nods while shutting the door

Richard: "Dr. Rivers. Glad to see you back in these halls." he smiles at her as they walk down the halls

Sky: "Thank you. Feels good to be back."

Richard: "Hayes get settled in the daycare alright?"

Sky: "Yeah he did." she nods

Richard: "And how bout you?"

Sky: "Well after the nurse took him another one had to lead me into a private room where I cried for 3 minutes. It was embarrassing but she said that there were others that cried longer so..."

Richard: "And am I going to see you in surgery?"

Sky: "You're 10,000th surgery? Wouldn't miss it."

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