Chapter 14

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Sky and Mark stand against a wall in the elevator kissing each other. When they hear the bell ding they quickly pull away and fix themselves. When the doors open they smirk at each other before going their separate ways.

Callie: "Hey, how's it going?" she comes over to where Sky is standing at a nurses desk

Sky: "Oh, my god. Thank you for asking. It's great. I mean, it's better than I expected it to be. Even with no sex allowed, I mean, we...we just laugh and we...we talk and-"

Callie: "Yeah. I don't want to hear this." she shakes her head and goes to walk away and Sky follows her

Sky: "Come on. But you have to. It's just, you're the only one who knows about us, well I mean besides Lexie, but I don't think we have the relationship to talk about this. And...and even though I don't like talking about personal things, I also like it when more than one person knows."

Callie: "Look, alone people don't like to hear about the together people, okay? Even if the alone people are alone by choice, it''s sort of mean. It's sort of like bringing a six-pack to an A.A. meeting."

Sky: "But..."

Callie: "Keep it to yourself."

Sky: "I am." she grits through her teeth as Callie walks away from her

Mark: "Whoa. What is that?" he sees Derek walking down the hall looking at a ring in a box

Derek: "What you think it is."

Mark: "That's dangerous. People who carry guns are more likely to fire 'em."

Derek: "Oh, I'm ready to fire it. That's not the problem. She's the problem. She spooks easy. I have to fire at the right time, in the right way, otherwise she'll panic and bolt. She's not ready. Do you think she's ready?"

Mark: "I don't know. More importantly, if you don't know, you shouldn't do anything until you do know."

Owen: "Dr. Sloan."

Mark: "Dr. Hunt. Oh, let's make this quick" he follows him into an exam room "So we good to go?"

Owen: "Yep. Use it wisely." he says as Mark pats him on the back

Jen: "Oh, my god, it's my brain. It's my stupid, pregnant brain. I left the car in drive. Oh, god, baby. I'm so sorry."

Derek: "It's a normal neuro exam."

Callie: "Okay, well, he's got an inferior shoulder dislocation and some associated fractures. He'll definitely need surgery."

Derek: "Sloan will debride the burns when he's in surgery."

Jen: "Surgery? Oh, baby."

Lexie: "Her B.P. is 170 over 100."

Sky: "Give her 5 of hydralazine."

Jen: "Oh, my god."

Rob: "Sweetie, just calm down. How's the baby?"

Jen: "Kicking like crazy and pressing right on my bladder."

Rob: "Well, look on the bright side. At least, uh, she's not running you over with a truck."

Callie: "Thank you." she says to Derek when he hands her the chart and himself and Meredith walk out the room

Jen: "Hey, you wanted the SUV right?"

Ryan: "Hi. Can I help you folks?" he walks over to where a couple is standing near the ER desk

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