Chapter 18/19

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Chapter 18

Derek: "Now stop distracting the staff." he says when walking in the room to see George and Helen having a friendly conversation

Helen: "You're pushy, anybody ever tell you that?"

Sky: "All the time." she says standing in the doorway and Helen smiles at the sight of her

Helen: "Sky. So nice to see you again." she says as the woman comes over to give her a hug

Derek: "Um, so what do you think of a saginal sinus bypass?"

Helen: "Have you ever scrubbed in on a saginal sinus bypass, Dr. O'Malley?"

George: "No."

Helen: "It's what they call "big balls" surgery. Apparently, I have a doctor with..."

Derek: "It's been very successful."

Helen: "If the patient doesn't stroke out."

Derek: "If it works the tumor's all gone. We never have to go back in there again."

Helen: "If it doesn't work, I'm dead."

Derek: "If you refuse to come back in two years, you're dead anyway."

Helen: "That's a decision I can live with."

Derek: "That is not a decision I can live with. O'Malley, go find her labs" he demands as the man hurries out the room "So, what do you think, huh? Two years on a beach and then what? After you piss away your savings, your memory goes, motor skills deteriorate and you're dying a very slow miserable painful death..."

Sky: "Derek." she says seeing the scared look on Helen's face and she looks at him shock

Derek: "You're gonna call me up and ask me why we didn't do something when we had the chance. Now that is not something I can live with. Not when we can do something right now to prevent it."

Sky: "You know scaring a patient into having a surgery could be counted as coercing them to have the surgery. Which some lawyers might call illegal." she says as they walk down the halls after coming from Helen's room

Derek: "Why are you even here? I thought you had today off?"

Sky: "Got called in for an emergency surgery. I'm not staying long. Anyways don't change the subject."

Derek: "Look. You and I...we know Helen. I can't just send her off to die when there's something I can do to help her" he says as she nods her head "If you stick around, want to join me in surgery?"

Sky: "Sure. See you in a bit." she says as they go their separate ways

Addison: "You couldn't have waited one day?" she asks, storming out the scrub room into the hallway

Mark: "She was 40% vision compromised in her right eye, it would have been gone tomorrow."

Addison: "No, it wouldn't actually but there's a snazzy new chief candidate marching around the hall today and you needed to be a hero. That's what needed to happen today."

Mark: "The patient was fine, Addison. The baby's still in her uterus and she's not losing an eye. Every surgery is risky, the patient chose this one."

Addison: "Karev, don't just stand there. The patient's baby was in distress, go, stay with her." she says as he walks away back into the OR

Sky: "Something happen with Jane Doe?" she asks hearing the two yell at each other as she walks down the hall

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