Chapter 8

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Bailey: "Window washer, fell from fifth-floor scaffolding. Obvious open tib/fib fracture, but otherwise ok." she informs Sky as she comes into the room with Cristina
George: "Equal breath sounds. After a five-story fall he's got equal breath sounds. This is unbelievable! Do you want to hear?" he says in amzement making the attending raise her eyebrows at him
Sky: "Somehow I believe you. Yang, get in there and palpate his abdomen."
Cristina: "Does this hurt anywhere?"
Man: "No."
George: "You fell from the sky. Five stories. You only injured your leg."
Cristina: "George." she mutters making him immediately cut her off
George: "No. Don't "George" me. A few seconds earlier, he'd have landed on me."
Cristina: "Ok, rolling on three, please. One, two, three" she says as they roll him and he groans out and they see something on his back "Are these feathers?"
George: "My life was saved by that pigeon."
Sky: "Let's get some X-rays. And after that you might want to get in there and look for the rest of Tweety."
George: "Thank you." he whispers to the feather as Sky walks away

Sky: "Hey."
Derek: "Hey. What are you doing tonight?"
Sky: "Why?"
Derek: "Figured we could have dinner. I never gave you a proper welcome to Seattle."
Sky: "Probably because you barely started living here when I moved out here."
Man: "I've told you. I don't need an appointment. I am not a patient. I am a friend from New York." a voice from downstairs catches both attendings attention as they look down to see a familair face
Derek: "Weiss?"
Weiss: "Derek! Sky! I've been looking for you!" he says rushing up the stairs to hug both of them as they move into a private room

Weiss: "A month ago, her mother died. Ovarian cancer."
Sky: "Catherine died? I'm sorry." she says as they give him a soft look
Weiss: "And Savvy, she's I mean, you know how close they were. "I mean, all she can think about is this breast and ovarian cancer gene."
Derek: "BRACA." he says nodding his head

Sav: "Is that who I think it is?" she says when Sky and Weiss go to meet Addison and her in a meeting room
Sky: "Sav. It's so good to see you again. I'm so sorry about Catherine."
Sav: "Thank you. But you need to start explaining lady. You just pick up and leave New York without telling any of us goodbye."
Sky: "Yeah well...things happen." she says before sitting at the table as Sav and Weiss begin to argue

Sav: "My mother died of it, my aunt. My cousin. She's 37, has ovarian cancer."
Weiss: "But you don't. You don't have cancer. This is crazy Savvy."
Sac: "But I have the gene."
Addison: "Which gives her up to an 85% chance of getting cancer, Weiss."
Derek: "And a 15% chance she won't." he says coming into the room and kissing Sav on the head
Sav: "I'm not betting my life on 15%."
Addison: "Were you invited?"
Derek: "Weiss asked me."
Weiss: "I thought it might help."
Sav: "Help what? I'm sorry, Derek, cause I love you and I'm really glad to see you. But until you grow a uterus and watch your mother die from this, you don't get you don't get a vote."
Sky: "Did she say they're trying to get pregnant?"
Addison: "She did."
Sky: "Having a hysterectomy throws a wrench in that plan."
Addison: "Sky!"
Sav: "We've tried for months."
Weiss: "Why give up now?"
Sav: "Come on, we've talked about this. There are other ways to make a family. We can adopt."
Weiss: "Savvy, I just-"
Sav: "No. No! I'm not talking about this."
Derek: "Let's just take a step back. All right, take a deep breath and think about this."
Sav: "I've already thought about it, Derek. This-This is going to happen."
Addison: "Dr. Stevens, get a complete history and do her pre-op labs. Schedule her for a double-mastectomy and consult Dr. Quenar for a reconstruction."
Weiss: "Derek?"
Derek: "Addison, this conversation isn't over."
Addison:" She is my patient, Derek. We're doing a bilateral prophylactic oophorectomy and hysterectomy tomorrow. Get moving." she says walking out the room as Sky follows after her

Sky: "Prophylactic surgery is extreme."
Addison: "This has nothing to do with you. She came to me for a medical consultation, Sky. I'm her doctor."
Sky: "Those are some of our closest friends. This isn't medical. This is personal."
Addison: "Fine. If it's personal, we should deal with them as friends. Acting like we're friends."
Sky: "What? What does that mean?"
Addison: "What are we doing here Sky? You won't talk to me. Hell this is the first time you've said more than 10 words that weren't followed by insults. So what are we doing?"
Sky: "It's not about us."
Addison: "It is! Medicine aside, our friends are going through hell in there, and we can't even act like we like each other long enough to help them." she says leaving Sky to watch her retreating figure

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