Part 21

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Chapter 21

He leads me towards the kitchen door and once again we descend downstairs to the basement.

My heart has all but stopped. Adrenaline offers a smidgeon of support but deep down I know it's hopeless, I've failed. There's nothing left now but death. I take a smidgeon of comfort from the hope that I might be with my mum again.

The stale air swirls around my head making me dizzy and I pray that I don't faint...or maybe that would save me the horror...and pain.

"What shall we do to him first?" he asks enthusiastically, "I personally love electric shock treatment before the cutting, it's a real hoot seeing them shake and flap"

I agree dumbly.

"You know when I saw you kill that numb skull in Camden my heart just swelled. I mean the way you cut him...the overkill, it was wonderful to see, pure poetry." He hesitates, "I was a very proud Daddy."

"If you saw all that then you must have seen what he did to me, why didn't you help?" God I want to kill him, choke the living daylights out of him watch him squirm...does that make me the same?

He strokes my cheek, "I wanted to see how you would get yourself out of it. Must say I was a bit disappointed you let him get one over you like that. Felt like gutting him for you," he sighs, "But as a parent sometimes you have to take a back seat."

We stop outside the door and I look at him hatefully, "He hurt me, you watched and did nothing! How was I supposed to get out of that...Dad?"

He sighs irritated, "Look you're okay now...time to put it behind us right?"

He unlocks the door and we go inside. Gale isn't moving and I pray that he's died to save him from the oncoming horror. His head hangs to one side and his eyes stare straight ahead without expression. He looks like a ghost.

Dad's nose twitches in an over-exaggerated way. He looks like he's acting, stringing out the build-up, dousing in it.

"Can you smell something nasty?"

I ignore him as I'm too busy staring at Gale, remembering how handsome he'd been and all the fun we'd had. It sure was funny the way life played out, I'd never have seen this coming in a million years, in a way I'm glad Mum's dead, at least she's safe now.

My Dad walks towards Gale and yanks back the sheet. The bed is smeared with feces and blood like a ghoulish Dali painting. He slaps Gale so hard that his head almost seems to leave his body. He doesn't give any response.

"I hope the useless fucker isn't going to die on us before we've had some fun!"

I hold onto his arm clutching at straws, "Why bother? He's obviously on his way out. Let's leave him and find someone else...will be a lot more FUN huh?"

He shakes his head furiously, "Oh no sweet pea, not after putting up with him for so long!" he spits into a corner, "First we kill him, then we go a"

He throws a plastic robe at me, "Put this on."

I pull it over my head and stand foolishly beside Gale. He gives no sign that he's aware of my presence. Dad starts to root about in his toy box then pulls out a strange-looking knife with a curved blade. It reminds me of something that a Pirate would carry

"You know what I call this honey? My very own cutlass... so I can gut them like fish."

I look at the floor, "Nice," I mutter wondering how much more hate I can carry.

He walks back towards Gale, knife in pocket, hot irons in hands, and trips heavily on a stray wire sending him sprawling. I seize my chance and pick up a side table and hurl it down on top of his head. He yelps for a moment then is still. Nowhere near finished I grab the hot iron and hold it to his face. His cheek sizzles like crispy bacon, there's no reaction. Frantically I scan the room looking for some rope, not locating any I yank at the stray wire before a hand shoots out and latches on to my ankle pulling me to the ground. I kick and scream as he straddles me, roughly yanking my arms over my head.

Kizzy fly by night.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat