Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


Phoenix's voice rages out of the megaphone. He's talking to me! I turn to Dante who is sitting stony faced.

I open my mouth to reply then stop as Dante points the gun at sleeping Lucky. He gestures me away from the door and I march back to the mattress. Looking towards the boxes my mind starts to tick...He is a smoker he must have a lighter in his jacket...only problem is he's wearing it but Lucky will be up soon so there's no time to waste.

I walk towards him and sit down. My arms snake around his waist as I start to kiss him. It turns my stomach now but he seems to be relaxing and dare I hope enjoying it...

My hands slide down his body resting above his pockets the familiar shape of the lighter leans against my fingers. With dexterity, I slip inside the pocket and clamp it into my hand. I pull slowly silent as a cat stalking the juiciest of mice. I just about have time to pull it to freedom before he roughly pushes me away.

"Is this the end for us then?" his eyes are glistening with sorrow and regret.

I stare keeping an earnest expression, "It doesn't have to be..."

I walk over to the boxes feeling his eyes bore into the back of my head. Before he realises what's happening I spark the lighter and throw it into the box. He runs towards me screaming, "Why would you do that? What the fuck!"

"I'm sorry," I whisper, "I'm so sorry."

There's a small delay like a sharp intake of breath before a mega blow to the front door. He rushes back to pick up Lucky giving me time to re-spark the lighter. There is a tiny silence before the smoke...then the sparks. The room darkens very quickly and Lucky is screaming at the top of her lungs.

Slipping my knife from my jeans I rush forward and stab him in the leg. He drops Lucky and I reach down feeling for her frantically. Her hand latches onto mine and I pull. The bangs from the door are louder echoing through me like a war cry, and the fireworks have broken free and are gaining momentum...

This is war now, may the best person has to be me!

Benita and Phoenix.

"What the fuck is going on in there?" screamed Benita, "The whole place is alight they'll be burned alive!"

Phoenix rushed to the door and began to hurl himself against it. Two Officers dragged him back kicking and shrieking. The door is rammed harder then it suddenly falls.

They are met by a carnival of flames and jump back looking around frantically for the fire brigade who had been hastily called.

The fireworks continued to pop, spark, hiss, and colour portraying the most beautiful other worldly fire. Everyone watched in a trance then turned as the fire engine raced towards them, then there was another shout and they swung back to see a stunning purple haze... and Kizzy limping out carrying Lucky.

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