Chapter 59.

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Chapter 59.


I walk in behind a small group. It's lunch time so the place is filling up. It's quaint and mysterious making me feel as if I've stepped back in time, scanning the room I spot her in a corner with some guy.

I sit down at the other side of the room and observe, she's not smiling this looks really fucking intense. I can only see the back of the guy's head. Dark greasy hair and if I didn't know any better I'd swear it was Jed. I'm curious now...she's not drinking, something is going on.

I order an orange juice and move to a chair at the end of the bar. My heart is racing with the desire to kick her head in. I crack my knuckles, a habit that drives Benita mad. Her face drifts into my mind and for a split second, I feel a smidgeon of remorse for what I'm about to do...But you know if you want to do something bad enough then it's pretty easy to take away all the negatives. All of a sudden I can find a million reasons why this is a good idea and only one which isn't.

I see the guy reach over and grab her hand before she jumps up and heads for the loo. Now...this is it. I down my drink and swiftly make my way to the ladies.

The brightness as I push the door open blinds me for a second. I close it softly and check out the stalls. There is only one occupied also the sniffling kind of gives her away. I crouch down and see her black stilettos tapping together. All of a sudden I'm apprehensive, it's like common sense has jumped onto my shoulder and is trying to stop me. I rap on the door.

"I'll be out in a minute!"

Damn right there. I knock again and hear her sigh,

"Fuck off will you."

I knock again and this time she unlocks the door and I barge in. She opens her mouth to scream but the look in my eyes silences her. "Don't even think about it," I whisper, "I'll cut your throat before you can finish your sentence."

She nods mutely as frozen tears settle in the corners of her eyes. "Kizzy I'm sorry..."

You know that's the most dumb thing she could have said, all she's done is heat me up to a boiling point. Before I know what's happening my inner me takes over and I slap her hard with the back of my hand. She falls back onto the toilet banging her head.

"Kizzy please...let me explain."

I pull her up digging my nails into her arms, feeling her flesh puncture. "Before I kill you..."

That does it and a crackled scream forces its way out. I clamp my hand over her mouth and slam her head against the wall.

"What did I do?" she whimpers.

"You want me to write a fucking list?"

She exhales, "I needed the money...had to make it sound good." She hesitates, "I'm being blackmailed..."

I scoff, "Who the fuck would blackmail you?"

Shaking she grabs her bag and pulls out a cigarette. I snatch it from her mouth and throw it into the next stall.

"Please Kiz...think about the friendship we once had, I'm begging you..."

I wrap my fingers around her throat all the while staring deep into her eyes. I start to squeeze and the blood races to my face. It's like I'm feeling her pain, bathing in her terror but I don't give a fuck. Her face is turning pink so I let go and slap her for good measure. I'm alarmed at how good that felt...

"Now before I go... you will retract everything from that interview. If you don't then next time I will kill you and love every second of it."

Nodding, she trembles looking small and pathetic.

"By the way, who's the creep out front?"

Her face crumples, "Jed's brother, he wants money or he's going to come out with a whole load of shit about me."

This is interesting.

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