Chapter 29.

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Chapter 29.


B is on the bathroom floor bleeding. I don't know much about pregnancy but I do know she's miscarrying. For a split second, I feel a sliver of joy before I stomp it back down feeling guilty. I know it's bad but I'm kind of glad, it's for the best whatever way you look at it.

She looks at me with tear-filled eyes shaking slightly, "Do you think I need to go to hospital?"

I shake my head, "Nah it's too late B, way too'll be ok just give it time."

Her face crumples, "But I hadn't made any decision..."

I feel kind of horrible but I can't stop myself from stating the obvious, "Well at least you won't have to bother now... must be a relief in a funny sort of way."

I turn towards the door, Star's hovering. I pull it open and she nearly falls inside. "What do you want?"

She peers in unsure, "Nothing, it's Jed, he wants to know what you're doing."

Her eyes cross to the bathroom window which is firmly closed. No Star we are not planning to squeeze through the tiniest window known to man!

"I didn't mean nothing."

I wave her away, "Oh I think that's exactly what you meant."

Star turns on her heels and stomps back downstairs. I look at Benita, "We need to get you cleaned up...can I bring you any painkillers?"

She shakes her head, "I'll get some when I come down just let me have a minute."

"Ok if you're sure." I close the door behind me and head downstairs torn as I hear her sniffling.

Back in the front room, Groundhog Day is alive and well. God, I don't know how much more of this I can take. Where's the Police when you need them?

Jed watches me, irritation stamped all over his face, "What's going on up there then?"

"She's miscarried I say as deadpan as possible in a bid to hopefully stop him from asking any more questions, is it my imagination or does Phoenix look relieved...

Jed shrugs and goes back to the television, "Coffee would go down a treat...and cake if you've got some. I always turn to sweet stuff when I have shit to think about."

I go into the kitchen and Phoenix follows me. Don't know why but he's giving me the creeps...what's with the constant staring and dodgy side eyes. It's like he wants to say something but every time he goes for it he chickens out at the last minute.

I peer through the kitchen door at Star now draped over Jed as if she hasn't got a care in the world. Jesus what a loser she is! No wonder she struggles on the street, far too needy.

I turn to Phoenix, "Is there something you want to say to me?"

He shakes his head while peering through the blinds. Outside life goes on as normal. He turns back to me with his hands in his pockets, "You know I never did ask about your family."

I freeze, what the fuck...

"Todd and B are my family."

He waves his hand, "No I know that, what I mean is who are your biological parents?... Are they alive or dead "Swallowing hard he continues, "Surely Todd didn't pluck you from under a weed or something?"

Ok now my heckles are up, what's this about...

"What's any of this got to do with you?"

He frowns, "Nothing, nothing at all. Just thought seeing as we're going to be a family soon, it would be good to know."

I spoon the coffee into mugs quickly, this feels like an interrogation. He's watching, waiting so I throw him a crumb, "My mum's dead ok, satisfied?"

His expression darkens, "And your father...what about him?"

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