Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


He drives away and I look back at the caravan laughing. I know it's weird but I suddenly feel alive. I ask myself the unspoken question...'Where are we going? While my other side screams, 'Just run and enjoy the ride.' Easy to get caught up in and if I didn't have Lucky I'd probably do it without a second thought.

As if giving an explanation I remind myself that my childhood was stolen and my friends are all dead so I'm entitled to be wild...then there's the other side of me that thinks what about your brother and sister...surely they matter to you?

I look at him admiring his strong jaw- line and wait as he clears his throat.

"You know when I found out what you did to me my only thought was to kill you..."

"So what changed?"

He chuckles, "Soul binding, Love...whatever way you want to see it."

Okay then...I bite my tongue to stop laughing.

Benita and Phoenix: 3hrs Later.

They both sat on the sofa in shock while the two officers did their best to sound sensitive. Benita shook her head, "I don't believe it I'll never believe it! Kizzy's not an accomplice... NO bloody way."

The Detective had been gently questioning them to find out if Kizzy and Dante had any motive to abduct Lucky. Both of them shook their heads.

"She hated Dante," said Phoenix, "All she wanted was to bring Lucky home."

"There have been sightings by several people of them driving out of London," said the other Detective eyeing Phoenix suspiciously.

"She was obviously taken!" shouted Benita.

"They looked pretty friendly according to one witness..."

"Impossible!" shouted Phoenix, "I know my sister, she would never do this...all that she wanted was to come home."

Both of the officers raised their eyebrows and stood up, "Well we're hoping to narrow our search and have Lucky home with you soon."

"Thank you," said Benita dully. This wasn't what she had been anticipating at all. Nothing would ever convince her that her sister had betrayed her.


We're back in London. Lucky seems to know this too. It is way more noisy, and she perks up no doubt thinking that she's going home to mummy. I wish that I could promise her that.

Glancing out of the van window I'm amazed that no one has spotted us. I mean here we are zipping around as if on some forever holiday...I feel disconnected on so many levels...My brother, my sister, my where do I belong now? And how will Lucky fit into all this...surely he has to let her go?

Staring at him I wonder how this will end and who is going to die...just hope it's not me.  

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