Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


My eyes scan every corner, every possible hiding place for a bogeyman to jump out and get me. I cross my arms feeling like a cat waiting for the glimpse of a mouse.

"Hey Dante, I know you're about," I whisper "And when I find you I'm going to kill you."

I turn on my heels only to find myself pulled back by invisible hands. I try to struggle but he's got me in a vice. He drags me behind a bush and slams me to the ground. His hand covers my mouth as he sits astride me. Our eyes connect for a split second before he snaps back to reality, "Little Janis, we meet again."

All I can do is stare, I could kick but something's stopping me.

"You fucking set me up...they say you drugged me..."

I don't bother denying it, there doesn't seem to be any point. His eyes travel down my body and I hold my breath. Surely the fucker's not going to try anything here! To my surprise, he lets me go and pulls me roughly to my feet.

Smoothing my hair away from my face he kisses me deeply then pushes me away, "I'll see you again'd better believe it."

I hurry away hot under the collar and back inside the safety of my house.

Later on, as I drift off I imagine him beside me, it's not a bad thought at all but the reality is he is a HUGE problem...and I'm trying to be good for Christ's sake...killing is bad, wrong, I'll end up in Hell.

However, my dreams have other ideas. One minute he's tearing at my clothes, the next I'm plunging a knife into him while Dad cheers from the sidelines. I wake up in a cold sweat several times and struggle to get back to sleep. As I stare into the darkness I imagine my eyes glowing red like a vampire and having the strength of the Devil. No one could touch me apart from reality. When you take it all away I'm still little Kizzy fly by night. Frustrated at my physical weakness I turn over and try to ignore my hand slipping down my body. I know where it's going but good Kizzy doesn't want to know. I hope my dead mum's not watching...I'll repent tomorrow. 

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