Chapter 15

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Chapter 15.

I lead her carefully into the front room, she feels like a tiny bird.

"What the fuck happened?"

Benita rushes into the kitchen to get warm water, cotton wool, and plasters.

Star is doing her best to speak in between gulps of tortured air.

"It's Jed..."

I frown, "Jed...Pimp face?"

She nods fearfully searching in her bag for a cigarette.

"After I left you I took a detour to Archer Street."

I raise my eyebrow... I kind of see where this is going.

"I was hoping to be normal for a know pick up a quick punter and kid myself that I'm not in this shitty hole."

She's well and truly triggered me. I place my hand over my chest as a shield while Benita begins to bathe her face. I do my bit and rub her arm while watching my sister. She looks tired.

"And then I saw him in a car. Dead nice it was, I ran across the road to nip down Rupert Court and that was it. He grabbed me by the arm...could see the anger in his eyes."

"What happened next?" I say, although I already know the answer, it doesn't take the brain of Britain.

Star takes a long drag on her cigarette and I lose her in a cloud of smoke. Benita bats it away disapprovingly.

"He took me back to the flat and boom, well and truly lost it...How I'm still standing I've got no idea."

God, she almost sounds proud!

Benita shakes her head, "What an animal."

"He's not always like that," protests Star, "I should never have left him it's my own fault really."

"So what's next Star.., where will you stay?" I say tickling my cheek with my hair.

She blows her nose noisily, "Well I thought maybe I could stay here tonight then me and him will talk...maybe try and work things out."

I look at Benita and she yawns giving me a non-commital look, "I'm going to bed, see you in the morning."

That leaves us, two misfits, technically strangers, thrown together by chance, incompatible yet somehow a perfect fit. She's nothing and everything to me. I'm annoyed at myself for getting involved. I reach for her hand.

"Let's go to bed, I'll sleep on the floor and we'll talk in the morning OK."

She follows me mutely and we climb the stairs to my sanctuary. There seems to be a strange energy in the house now, it's like the happiness and hope has been sucked away. I hear a click from Benita's bedroom door and turn around. Call me paranoid but I know Phoenix is behind there listening.


That fucking bitch has gone and run again. Ha, I'll find her and when I do I wouldn't want to be in her shoes. Ungrateful little slag!

Kizzy fly by night.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें