Chapter 69

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Chapter 69


I look at Star, plain old Sue Smith, and can honestly say that I feel nothing. No remorse whatsoever, the anger is still lurking, believe me when I say if there was a way to kill her again I would. Anything to do with child exploitation triggers the hell out of me. Having grown up with a Dad like mine I'm extra sensitive to grown-ups doing bad things...especially to kids.

But right at this minute I know many would consider me grown, but I don't feel it. Deep down I'm still little Kizzy from the box and probably always will be.

I take a packet of wipes from my jacket and begin to clean. No stone is left unturned remember I've done this before. Even the Coke bottle in the fridge gets clean as well as the taps, the door handles, and the loo.

The glasses are wrapped in newspaper and stuffed in a carrier bag. Standing back I survey the scene aware that I really need to leave like yesterday. I consider giving Dante a parting kiss, don't ask me why, no logic. I don't bother. I stand in the doorway and close it softly.

My scarf is doubled around my neck and I've got my hair tucked in the collar. There's one last thing I have to do...

My face lights up as I spot an old homeless alcoholic sitting in a corner, muttering away. Perfect, I approach him swiftly, "Hey, you!"

He points to himself after looking behind him, "Me?"

I stand in front of him, "You want to make £50?"

His eyes spring to life, "What's the catch?"

I smile kindly, "No catch, just doing a good turn."


"All you've got to do is call the Police and tell them you heard a fight between a know, lots of screaming and give them this address."

"That's all? That's all I got to do?"

He doesn't believe me. Don't blame him.

"Yep that's all but listen," I grab his stinking collar, stabbing him with my stare "You don't mention me AT ALL. You were walking past this address and you heard the fight, right?"

He nods bewildered.

"And if you ever bring me up in any shape or form I'm coming back to kill you."

His eyes bug not liking the way the conversation is going. "Ok, ok, I call the Police, give the address and..."

"You hang up." I finish, "One call then go sit in a pub or something, isn't that what you lot do?"

I dangle the £50 and he reaches for it greedily. I pull away at the last minute, "Remember you never saw me."

He nods perspiring heavily, "I never saw you."

I hand him the note and piece of paper then turn and walk away into the arms of darkness.

On the tube home, I finally unwind and allow myself a little smile. This would all be fine. The train races past station to station, the tunnel swallowing me up. The more central I get, the safer I feel. I think of Gayle and Lulu and wish they were here I need to offload.

Getting off at Hammersmith I amble home slowly, the night is my friend it always has been, seeing all but saying nothing... it protects me and for that I'm grateful.

Slipping my key in the lock I nudge the door, all is quiet, good. Taking my trainers off I leave them by the stairs then dump my jacket and quickly head into the kitchen to wash the glasses. I burn the tights in the sink and stare vacantly as they turn to dust...ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Then I tip-toe to bed, it's been a long day.

Laying down I think of Dante then quickly squash him, he's a shit, he's Jed's brother for Christ sake! What the Hell is wrong with me?

Sleep comes easily offering a long winding road with lots of twists and turns and eventually my mum at the end giving me a huge thumbs up.

Kizzy fly by night.Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu