Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Why is my life a constant round of danger and drama? I thought I'd left that all behind years ago.

Benita's looking pretty worse for wear, it is 100% time to go. I signal for the bill so we can settle up for the pitchers and snacks. For the life of me I can't remember who served us, all the faces have blended into one and we all know who that is!

I pull B to her feet after checking the bill...what a rip-off. "We're getting out of here," I say looking around.

"But we haven't..."

Before she can get the word 'paid' out I'm ushering her towards the dragging her away from guys' who try their luck. I'm half expecting to feel a hand on my shoulder but no one stops us. We glide out as easily as we arrived.

The cool night air does its job of trying to sober us up. I feel it pinch my cheeks and water my eyes as some guys out on the make cat- call us. We give them the finger and hurry down the road laughing.

"Oh God, I'm going to be sick!"

Not now B please...

I pull her into a side street just off Leicester Square and hold her hair as she vomits up our evening. It's easy to see we don't go out much, lightweights.

"Let's sit in the little park to sober up," I say decisively.

She totters along before stopping to remove her shoes. I take her arm and pull her. In the square not much has changed since my box days...tourists and down and outs. I plonk her down on a bench and think of Lulu and Gayle...I miss them... if only I could go back.

The money we saved on the bill can go towards a cab...not looking forward to seeing Phoenix, feel like I've let him down.

"I love you," mumbles Benita, "Sorry for being a bitch."

I pat her hand, "You're ok...well guess we'd best be getting home."

We walk down to Charing Cross for a better chance of getting a cab. I'm looking behind me all the time...not taking any chances. I'll deal with him after the wedding.

This makes me smile. I find it comforting that the old me is still there somewhere.

We bundle into a taxi.

"Where are we going girls?"

"The end of the world," slurs Benita before falling into a deep sleep.

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