Chapter 35

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Chapter 35


The tears are drowning me, so much so that breathing is difficult. Star is still sitting beside Jed deeply in shock. If it wasn't for her continuous trembling I might have thought that she'd left her body. Phoenix and Benita are clutching each other as if their lives depended on it. They seem to have reverted back to being kids. Benita is desperately looking at Phoenix for reassurance but he seems dazed and in total disbelief...what the fuck did he expect?

Dad whispers seductively into my ear, "I threw some poison down would have been a very quick end."

He looks almost apologetic, I look away I feel physically sick just being near him. Thoughts of driving a knife slowly into his heart are chanting in my ears but I can do nothing, I'm stuck, he's got me and he more than knows it.

"My Dogs, why did you have to kill my dogs..."

Podge's little face clutches at my heart

"Don't forget Cheto was mine!" says Benita trying to wipe away her fear.

I nod, "Our dogs...Why? if it's me you want we can go now. Leave the others!" (I mean Benita.)

He frowns and gets up, "That would be way too easy you should know me better than that by now."

My hands are itching with the shakes, I want him dead so badly. He turns back to Jed, "Now let us deal with a more pressing problem."

We all look at Jed, eyes open, not so tough anymore. Dad points to Star, "You go and find a carpet we can roll him into."

"The only one that'll work is in the bathroom," I say wondering why on earth I seem to be helping him. Then my inner voice reminds me that it will all be over soon, the Police are bound to arrive, then another voice mutters 'Are you sure about that?'

Phoenix smiles at Dad nervously, Dad being Dad looks away. No acknowledgment whatsoever. I watch his heart sink, surely he doesn't love him...How can anyone love him? He's dead inside, nothing more than rotting flesh, totally incapable of giving or receiving love in any shape or form. I think about Mum...she loved him once Phoenix's Mum loved him too. I switch to Lulu and Gale and wonder how they'd get out of this. My tears are quiet for the moment but inside I can't breathe.

Star is ordered upstairs with Phoenix to get the rug and Benita and I stare at each other both silently begging the other to take charge. I will, somehow I will, I just don't know how yet.

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