Chapter 67

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Chapter 67.


Dante arrived half an hour ago, hand out demanding money before he had even made it inside. Star was doing her best to be engaging but it did not come naturally.

Two Jack Daniels and Cokes were hastily thrown together and poured. She took them with a fixed grin and he picked one up suspiciously and sniffed it. Star took a huge swig which encouraged him to do the same.

"It's great to see you, "she mumbled nervously playing with her hair.

"Right." he sneered.

Her mind was racing as she wondered where the fuck Kizzy was, "Just being friendly."

He grinned nastily showing off some new gold teeth, "So what have you got for me then?"

"I'm just waiting on someone who's bringing like a wad..."

His shackles rose, "And who is this person?"

They were interrupted by the doorbell the buzz was so loud that Dante wondered if it was some kind of omen.

"Just coming!" she shouted jumping up and rushing to the door.

Pulling it open there she was, her partner in crime. She just prayed that it would be over quickly so she could get the Hell out.


There she is my fool. She looks nervous as well she might but you know life lessons are always difficult and some have no way back.

She points me in the direction of the loo and I lock the door. In my pocket, I have 4 crushed valium. Like it or not, someone will be sleeping. I hear her turn the music up, that's a waste of time music won't save anyone. Prayer and bravery are the best bet...

Even though the room is loud there is a silent expectation. It's like a million eyes are watching. They see me and they know what I'm about. It's not going to be pretty but by next week it will all be in the past.

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