Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

Kizzy: 12 pm

I'm getting seriously pissed off, picking away at my nails I look up hearing a key in the lock. An officer beckons me forward like a headmaster to a wayward kid. "Looks like it's your lucky day."

"How so?"

"Get up you're free to go."

This is getting confusing what the Hell...

"But I thought..."

"Listen, Melissa, your sister's in reception ok? Someone up there must be looking out for you, be grateful."

I beam and follow him out down a long corridor until we reach reception. Here I sign some release papers and over to my right is Benita! We both run to each other and I embarrass myself by leaking tears. She holds me tight and I don't mind admitting it's just what I need.

"You ok?" she says her face searching my eyes for the truth.

I nod, "I am now."

"Then let's go home, I'll get the kettle on."

I give a cheery wave to the reception officers and they acknowledge me tightly.

"Hope you catch the right girl next time!"

Sorry just couldn't resist, some may say I've got the cheek of the Devil and to that, I say I kind of am the Devil. The other half of me is Kizzy, Melissa left a long time ago. I sit in the car and crank up the music, they're playing Street Life again...I fucking love that song.

We get home and B heads to the kitchen to make coffee. I grin feeling like I'm walking on air. All's well that ends well I guess.

The phone rings and I rush to answer, "Hello?"

There's a familiar silence I know it's Dad.

There's a big dramatic sigh then, "A letter would be nice or a visit!"

The line goes dead, he's told me all that I need to know yet again I'm off the hook thanks to him. A father's twisted love.

I replace the receiver and go into the kitchen, "Who was it?" asks Benita cutting two huge slices of chocolate cake.

"Wrong number."

Later that night I relish being in my own bed. Pure luxury that I will never take for granted again. I think of Dad and am amazed that I can still call him that but facts are facts, he's saved me twice now and I can't help feeling like I owe him. Maybe I will write that letter...Oh God, I don't know! Phoenix and B won't approve but I'm going to sleep on it. Tomorrow is another day.


They are letting him out with a tag. He has been told that the case will probably be thrown out and after that, he will look for Janis. If she's got any sense she would do well to hide.

Kizzy 7 months later.

Omg it's time! I'm at the hospital with B and the little squirt seems to be pushing his way out of her. I've never seen someone give birth and it's not something I plan on watching again anytime soon.

B has been screeching for hours and I thought at first she was being a drama queen but now have to say that I'm feeling her pain. Phoenix and I are doing far it's been 12 fucking hours! Jesus talk about slow.

I even asked the nurse if this was normal and she just laughed and told me that it can take a lot longer than that! What? I am SO NEVER having a kid.

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