chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Back in London life went on. Benita felt a bit happier as Kizzy had managed to sneak in a call from Tam's house phone. She was looking forward to seeing her again no matter how annoying she could be. Things with Phoenix were going from strength to strength, he brought light into every corner of her life, yet she still felt like she knew nothing about his past. He skimmed over it as if he were speaking behind a curtain and hiding a secret. He wore a glorious cloak but there was more to discover, that she was certain of but for the moment she was very good at placing things into files:

1, he was drop-dead gorgeous, 2, caring, and generous, 3, his family lived in what was wrong, why didn't it feel right? It was like a hand was pushing her saying 'Stay back.' It was concerning and she would make it a point of talking to Kizzy when she returned. She checked her face in the mirror, locked the door, and made her way to work.

As usual, Soho was teeming, customers drifted in and out of the bakery all hungry, some happy but most grim-looking and robotic. Benita worked solidly and didn't notice Phoenix strolling in with a huge smile, "Hey Beautiful what's up?"

She gave him a thumbs-up and gestured for him to sit in the corner, "You want a drink?"

Not waiting for an answer she poured him a black coffee, added two lumps of sugar, and took it over.

The shop had quietened a little and it was in moments like this that she felt her father's presence. She held Phoenix's hand and he stared into her eyes willing his power to penetrate her thoughts. She felt this and padlocked her gate, smiling at him mysteriously.

"You heard from little sis yet?" he said.

"Yeah, she's fine, won't be that long until she's home."

He chuckled, "Wonder what mess she's managed to get herself into now..."

Benita felt her bristles rise, "Actually she's pretty sensible these days."

"If you say so..."

"I do."

He gazed at her not liking this new speaking her mind thing. Everything was going so well, he was moving his King forward and the Pawn needed to stay on the outside. He smiled in that charming way and saw her relax. He knew he had a lot more work to do.


The two glamour girls lay spread-eagled on the bed with huge smiles as they played with the various toys. Both resemble a poor man's Marilyn Monroe while Sue on the outskirts is more like a skinny waif from Oliver Twist.

I stare at Sue and scowl. Her make-up has been re-applied by the supposedly helpful girls and looks hideous. I'm in no doubt that this is a deliberate attempt to make her look as unattractive as possible. Sue is no fool and no doubt more than aware but as long as she's getting paid she really couldn't care less.

Tam directs Sue into view and the two older girls kiss obscure her which is very welcome.

Bored with what I'm seeing, I wander into the kitchen to get some water. I'd rather watch paint dry. The buzzer rings and Tam shouts "Get that for me will you babe."


'God Babe... He's too fat to call anyone that!'

I open the door to a group of oddballs, some closet rain macks, others normal-ish...if there is such a thing. They smile at me hopefully, eager as puppies.

"Can I help you?" I ask snippily.

The one in the tight t-shirt that barely covers his beer gut speaks up, "We're here for Tam's get-together."

"And to watch the show," said another smirking.

I move to the side and they trundle past. This is going from bad to worse.

"Tam! Some guys to see you...something about a party?"

Tam comes rushing towards them all smiles, "Aah come in! Beer in the fridge, we're just in the studio."

The men peer into the room with huge grins' This would be so worth it. After grabbing beers and snacks they plonk themselves in front of the set with glassy eyes.

The performers wink at them and turn up the action. Tongues, toys, and fakery are served up like a film on fast-forward.

I watch dispassionately, being on the streets never seemed easier. All this misery is a haven for cutting, I shiver and head back to the kitchen.

Sooner or later all things come to an end, even nightmares'. Thank fuck for that.

The days fly past, one shoot blends into another, alcohol is plentiful and the traditional greasy Swedish cheesy food plays havoc with our digestion.

The other girls have kept more or less to themselves only turning on the charm when Tam is around. The evenings are obligatory dinners and drinks with everyone and I do my best to dispose of my wine when no one is looking. The plant gurgles greedily.

Even in a supposedly civilized situation, it amazes me how boring Tam is. His conversation slurs from one creepy comment to another, the only good thing is that his attention has moved from Sue to Jane and Rose, which is just fine by me.

Before we know it we are being dropped at the airport, God I can't wait to get home! Sue has been paid the promised £800 and is as happy as Larry.

Tam kisses us on the cheek and hurries away anxious to get back to the more willing girls. Sue or should I say Star now, and I board the plane to London. Seatbelts knotted we relax, it's over.

The city brings a hearty grey welcome, hot tea and toast are our first port of call as we hurry along in search of a cafe.

Sue stares at me thoughtfully, "You were quiet on the way back..."

I shrug, "Not really."

Sue laughs and jabs me in the ribs, "Well what's to be quiet about? I'm going to be famous think about that!"

I snigger, "Well don't forget about me on your way up then."

Sue places her shades on top of her head, "Not much chance of that, we're a family now huh?"

I gulp, "Ha ha." Yikes.


Benita looks up as I stroll in with a huge grin, "Hey B! I'm back, did you miss me?"

We run to each other and give an awkward bear hug.

"Has the bird flown?" I ask hopefully throwing my bag into a corner and looking around.

Benita frowns, "No," she says tightly.

My face drops, I'd been praying for a miracle. I look around the shop, "Do you want to go for a break?"

Benita's reaching for her jacket before I've finished the sentence. "Take it that's a yes then!"

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