Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"Excuse me is anyone serving?"

Phoenix looked up from his phone in annoyance. An old Chinese man stood at the counter tapping his fingers.

'Bloody Chinks.' He thought putting his hand over the receiver, "In a fucking minute ok."

The old man gasped and marched from the shop thinking that Todd would never have treated his customers like that.

"Sorry, Dad what were you saying?"

Matthew sighed feeling extremely narked that he had to repeat himself, "How are you getting on with persuading Kizzy to come and visit...You know how much I miss her."

Phoenix felt his face flush, "It's going to be a slow progress Dad, she's a difficult person to get on's not as simple as it sounds."

His caller sighed deeply and Phoenix held his breath knowing that he had disappointed him.

"Well being patient is sadly not one of my virtues, I suggest you remember that!"

The line went dead and Phoenix slammed the receiver down in frustration. Second best again, when would that ever change? Fuck Kizzy. Fucking Bitch whore, fuck her! He had gone through his life hardly ever seeing his Dad. That deep longing had never gone away, the empty feeling of rejection, knowing that whatever he achieved, whatever he did or said would always be spam. The thing that you take if there are no other options. His mind drifted to his mum, his wild happy mum and he wondered for the millionth time what had made her just get up one day and vanish from his life. He'd sat up that night so long ago waiting and waiting, anxiety tearing him to shreds. He'd wanted his Dad but had no idea how to find him. But now it was different, he had him in a sense and the only thing that stood in his way was Kizzy bloody fly by night.


Well, here we are. Jed's been fed and watered and now we seem to be stuck in the front room staring at each other wondering what is going to happen next. Phoenix still isn't home, surely he can't be much longer...

"Can I go to the toilet?" asks Benita.

Jed sighs, "What again?" He motions for Star to take her.

"That's what happens when you're pregnant!" I if I have a clue.

He turns his gaze to me and looks me up and down. I hope I'm mistaken and that wasn't a sexual glint in his eyes. Don't think I've ever been so desperate to have Phoenix home.

The phone rings and I look at him, he indicates that I should answer...please let it be Phoenix!


Nothing, here we fucking go. "Hello, this really isn't a good time for your stupid fuck arse games."

I hear a loud sigh followed by a softly spoken, "Hello Sweetheart this is Daddy."

My blood runs cold, how on earth is he able to call me? How does he have my number and I thought all calls were monitored...I hesitate momentarily thrown. My eyes switch to Jed who is watching me keenly. At a loss for what to do I say, "Hello Dad."

I can almost feel his heart soar, it's like the clouds have opened up and covered him with glitter. Jed walks over and snatches the phone, "Hey Daddy she's all tied up at the moment and will be for the foreseeable future."

He hangs up the phone before Matthew can reply and turns on the news. Star and Benita come back into the room and sit down. The reporter is in Soho as there has been a breakthrough in Tam Woodlouses murder. We all fall silent, Soho our one connection, every corner known and familiar like the warmest deadliest hug. A grainy CCTV image is shown and Benita exhales, there is no doubt about it Jed and Star. We watch them creeping down the carpeted corridor trying to disguise the look of guilt.

I look more intently, the image isn't crystal clear but it's them, no doubt about it. Wow, we're housing our very own Bonnie and Clyde, fucks sake you couldn't make it up! I look sharply over at Star and she looks away guiltily. I know she's feeling bad but I've zero sympathy. I wonder what their next move will be after all they can't stay cooped up in here forever.

Jed points at the TV and turns, "Yeah it was me, the fat fuck had it coming. Hey, I'll probably end up getting a medal for services to Soho or some shit." He turns to Star and pulls her in for a hug, "He took the piss out of my baby and I couldn't have that."

He slaps Star on the shoulder playfully and she winces while forcing a smile.

We all look up when we hear the key in the lock. Benita jumps to her feet, relief flooding her face.

"Sit the fuck down," said Jed and she does trying to control her sudden shaking. I try to catch her eye but she won't look at me.

"Anyone home?" calls Phoenix, "Been a shit busy day B..."

We all hold our breath as his footsteps get nearer and nearer. I can't look, I just can't. I concentrate on the carpet as the door is pushed open then Jed hits him over the back of the head with his gun sending him sprawling onto the floor.

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