Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


Approaching Soho I smile grimly. My 'office' cafe as I used to call it has long gone so I decide to head to Bar Bruno on the corner just by the market. I order a cappuccino and a sausage sandwich and sit by the window to plot.

I devour it as if I haven't eaten for days then look up as a girl ambles in. She's a street girl...I can always tell...I wonder...

I smile at her and she looks away scowling, don't blame her. Standing up I call her over, "Hey!"

She looks me up and down warily, "Do I know you?"

I nod unconvincingly, "Yeah we've met on the streets..."

She looks slightly more interested, "Oh yeah? When was that then...I never normally forget a face."


We both look up at the TV. Looks like there is a reporter outside Bs house! Jesus. I wave the girl out of the way so that I can listen. The reporter is young and vibrant, totally kick ass. She knows that she's on to a good story and wants to savour every bite...fuck B must be manic!

'Little Lucky hasn't been seen now for 24 hours. Her parents are understandably frantic...'

Course they are you moron what the fuck do you expect?

The reporter continues...'The family-owned bakery has been closed since the incident and...'

As she rambles on my eyes light up as I suddenly remember the spare key that is always kept under one of the bins behind the shop...ok, if she won't let me back at least I've got somewhere to go. I switch my attention back to the girl who has plonked herself next to me.

"So where did we meet then? You know you do look kind of familiar..."

I smile trying to look friendly...doesn't always come easily. "I help run the Bakery around the corner."

She shakes her head, "Na, it's from somewhere else." Then she clicks her fingers, "Got it... The newspapers. You was the one targeted by a serial killer...he was your Dad right?"

I nod cautiously, "I'd rather not talk about him."

Her eyes light up as she suddenly finds me so very interesting.

"Maybe you can help me..." I begin pointing to the TV, "See that missing baby?"

She nods eagerly.

"Well, she happens to be my niece."

" way!"

"And I need to find her...She's been taken by some pimp named Dante." I watch her response carefully, "You ever heard of him?"

She shakes her head, "No sorry. I know most of the scum round here but have never heard of him."

I swallow hard in irritation, "Ok, how about Jed then, you heard of him?"

She laughs, "Oh everyone's heard of the Jed! Didn't he come a cropper at the hands of your Dad or something?"

"Dante is his brother,"

She shakes her head, "Sorry I've never heard of him...slept with Jed once though if that's any help?"

I sigh, "Yeah so has half of Soho listen, if you ever see a guy with a cute baby girl... dark curly hair, you come and get me at the Bakery right?"

I stand up, "What's your name by the way?"

"Mel," she says quietly wondering what she has just got herself into.

I wink then wave to the owner Bruno and leave the shop.

Feeling relieved I head for the Bakery. A few tired hostess girls are out already, propping up the doors, fags hanging from frosted pink mouths.

One of them calls out "Hey Miss Kizzy! Get that Bakery open, I'm missing my pastries!"

I give her a salute and carry on walking, the Bakery looms ahead, empty and barren as if we've all moved out. I peer in the window half expecting to see Benita...she's not there, there's only a sullen silence. I walk around the back and slowly push the bin to the side. The key is upright covered in gunk. I grab it and quickly open the back door. I close it softly and exhale, a sense.

I throw my bin bag down and head to the serving area. After putting the coffee machine on, delighting as it splutters to life, I flop onto one of the chairs. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a piece of paper neatly folded just waiting for discovery. I rush towards it then stop dead...I can see who it's addressed to already, the bold words 'To Janis.' Leer back at me.

Kizzy fly by night.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora