Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


I can feel B's eyes burn into me, her hate is painful. I look to Phoenix my 'brother'. He is crying, his world is shattered...all because I left the door open. Deep down I know I'm being ridiculous, if the opportunity hadn't been there today it would only have been a matter of time until he tried again. I couldn't have stopped it, payback is a powerful motivator.

"Now we need to keep positive," said the cop, "If she's been abducted by this Dante, then we have a very clear description. We will pick him up in no time."

Benita tears at her hair, "My baby is missing! How the fuck can I keep calm?"

Phoenix squeezes her hand, "We have to try...somehow we have to try."

After bending the truth a little to the Police, I explain my connection to Dante and Jed. I tell them that Dante is angry because I have spurned his advances. They seem to find this plausible, so that's something however I wish I knew what the next move was going to be. All I do know is that I have to get Lucky back if there is going to be any chance of redeeming myself...I have to.

We head home in a Police car in deathly silence. I'm scared really scared. B won't even look at me but her hate fills the can I reach her? Tell her that this wasn't meant to happen if she won't even give me the time of day...

Phoenix stares vacantly out of the window, all his nightmares descending at once. I scan the streets hoping against all hope to spot him hurrying her away but there's nothing...just empty faces with empty souls. Something tells me that the Police will have their work cut out.

The car pulls up at home and we are informed that a family liaison officer will be in touch shortly. Benita runs into the house praying that this was all some huge joke and Lucky is safe and sound tucked up in bed. On finding the rooms empty she turns to me, a stranger, broken. I watch her lips struggle to form the words, "I think it's best for everyone if you don't stay here tonight."

"But B..."

She shakes her head pushing past Phoenix, "No buts Kizzy...I need you to be gone...when Lucky's found maybe we can talk but for now, GET THE FUCK OUT!"

I am stunned. Frantically I look to Phoenix who is red with discomfort. "But where will I go?" I implore him, "Tell her Please...I'm your sister."

He walks away and goes into the garden...never one to ride the storm. I see him light a cigarette and sit on the step. So much for brotherly love!

Benita storms up to my room and starts flinging some of my clothes into a bin bag. She's manic running on turbo power. I try to stop her but she knocks my hand away. "Don't fucking touch me."

She charges to the stairs and throws the bag. It sails down like a sad balloon that has lost its air. "OUT NOW!"

Ok, I don't know what to do...this is...well, I just don't know. I walk downstairs and pick up the bag. "Can I come home tomorrow?"


I look for Phoenix...he's hiding behind a bush. Wow...just fucking wow. I pick up the bag open the front door and close it quietly.

Standing in the street feeling as if I have been cast adrift I look up as the first drops of rain drizzle down my face. I'm thankful to them for keeping my tears private. Looking around I half expect B to come running out saying that she's sorry...She doesn't but I know she's watching. I sling the bag over my shoulder and walk towards the tube station. I can hear Dad's laughter ringing in my ear as he shakes his head in disappointment.

Once on the tube, I gain some strength, I will get Lucky back, I swear I will. Boosted by the thought I sit and grimly watch the stations fly past. My reflection stares back at me...sad little Kizzy fly- by night screws up again...but this time I'll fix it.

I exit at Embankment, the rain has eased off a little but it's still miserable. I don't know where to go. Walking up to Charing Cross I head into McDonald's to plan my next move. With a coffee and a burger in hand I press my head hard...where would he take her? Where the fuck would he go... I know from watching Police stuff on TV that time is of the essence in any abduction but something tells me that he won't hurt her. This is all about me.

As night draws in I contemplate looking for a cheap bed and breakfast but the old me comes racing back..'Why waste your money?'

I sigh heavily as the reality of my next option flashes before me...A box, I can always look for a box...

Kizzy fly by night.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang