Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


They are both ready and devouring a nervous tipple.

"God B surprised you can face drink after last night."

She looks me up and down meanly, "It's different, I'm about to become a married woman."

Ok then...tetchy!

"Shall I put Lucky in her buggy then?"

"Please," said Phoenix adjusting his tie.

"Oh don't forget her coat," said Benita pointing to a tiny fitted cashmere jacket like rich old guys wear. Lucky's got such a belly on her that I can barely get it done up. To give her the benefit of the doubt I lay the blame on the puff ball skirt.

We all head out in nervous silence. I feel stupid walking there all done up but seeing as though it's only down the road I guess it makes sense, also will clear the cobwebs! None of us are allowed to forget that today is all about B.

The walk up Fulham Palace Road doesn't take that long. The sun is beaming which makes us all a little happier. Don't know why but I don't feel like I'm on my way to a happy occasion. I pass Lucky a small piece of chocolate only to see B knock it to the ground. "Fucking Hell Kiz I want her to keep bloody clean!"

I kick the chocolate to the's hard to imagine that me and her, went out last night and had a good time. Guess it is back to bitch B.

On arrival, we are shown to the waiting area. The place is nice but very clinical...not sure what I was expecting. 5 long minutes to go. I'm pacing tapping my fingers and Lucky's tapping her feet. I feel like I'm about to go in front of a jury. Phoenix looks green and B? Well, she just looks angry...weird. I smile at Lucky and she crosses her hands in a sulk...ok then, guess I'm on my own.

We are taken to a magnolia room with benches for the guests...only we don't have any. We wait up front and look around foolishly.

"Good morning," pipes up a friendly voice, "So sorry to have kept you waiting."

We all smile and nod she's not late at all.

"Do we need to wait for the guests to arrive?"

Benita shakes her head, "No it's just us so let's do this."

Who said romance was dead?

The lady laughs and instructs B and Phoenix to stand opposite each other. I stand to the side feeling like a spare part. I open my jacket, it's stifling so I edge back quietly and open the door a touch to let in some air. Lucky is having a great time racing from bench to bench. I half hear the woman ramble on about the sanctity of marriage and turn away to yawn.

"Do you have the rings?" she asks smiling away as if she is the Pope. I step forward and unburden myself of 2 small gold rings.

I'd love to say that I held on to every word but I zoned out for most of it. I heard Phoenix repeat the boring text, then B. Then, it's the grand finale.

"Do you Benita Jasmine Carazia take Phoenix Jason Carter to be your lawful wedded husband blah blah to love and to hold as long as you both shall live?"


And just as she is about to say 'do' she looks around.

"Wait...where's Lucky?"

We all stop as if time has stood still. I race up and down the benches calling her, praying that she's just hiding. Nothing! We all stare at the open door. She's gone.

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