Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Star: The Sun interview part 2.

She swallowed heavily giving a half smile, "I'm telling you straight that neither of us wanted to leave that bed but eventually I told her that I'd go..."

Bill clicked his recorder on, "And what happened then? How did he gain access? Did he look like a monster?"

Star dabbed her eyes with a tissue, "Wow that's a lot of questions..." She took a deep breath while clutching the tissue as an anchor. "You do understand that this is very traumatic for me."

"Take your time."

"Let me see...well he gained access by pulling a kitchen knife from his coat and holding it against my throat...I fell back and he climbed on top of me while slamming the door closed with his foot."

The tears flew faster, "Obviously I screamed and tried to fight back but I was no match for him...he looked deranged and kept whispering about all the things that he was going to do to me."


"You know...sexual things."

"And what did you say? You must have been terrified."

"I said nothing, I have never known fear like that in my life...I kept still while he sexually assaulted me."

Bill leaned forward, "And where was his daughter while all this was going on?"

Star looked up at the ceiling and wailed, "Kizzy..."

"Kizzy? I thought her name was Melissa ..."

"Kizzy's her street name,"

She breathed deeply, "Kizzy came downstairs in the middle of him raping me!"

Bill's eyes gleamed, "Oh my God."

Star nodded, "Then she ran at her Dad trying to pull him off me but she was punched unconscious so he carried on then calmly told me to go and sit in the front room."

"And weren't there any other people in the house to help you?"

"Yes," she sniffed, "Her half-brother who knew exactly what was happening and..."


Star threw her head back for more drama, "He laughed...he laughed!"

Bill sat back and reached for his water, "Wow, and I guess you thought he was going to finish up by killing you."

She nodded enthusiastically then remembered to keep dabbing her eyes. "And he murdered our dogs."

For a moment the reporter's eyes misted over before it was back to business, "And tell me about Jed..."

Her face reddened, she had hoped that his name would not have been mentioned. Taking a huge gulp of air she exhaled softly, her voice barely a whisper, "He was a pimp who forced me into prostitution at an early age...I thought he loved me."

Bill tried his best to look sympathetic.

"I had no idea that Kizzy even knew him, didn't even know that he had been to the house."

He knew that she was lying but decided to let it go for the moment, "So you never witnessed any killing?"

She shook her head but her trembling hands gave her away.

"What was he like with his daughter?"

Star sighed, "They have a complicated relationship...but really all me and Kiz have ever wanted is to be left alone."

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