Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Benita returns all sparkly-eyed and upbeat, humming away. She seems to have an aura swirling around her.

"Hey, what's up with you?" I demand, 'This is so not normal'.

"Don't know what you mean..."

I laugh, "Yeah sure, what's with all the sparkles and smiles? It's like someone's lit you up."

Benita titters while tying her hair back, "We'll catch up later ok, promise."

I agree reluctantly, that will have to do for now. I grab my jacket and head out onto the street. Instantly I feel revived as my feet pound the pavement, bathing in the freedom. My heart rattles with happiness.

I pass a shop window and catch sight of myself, no longer a girl a knowing young woman stares back and for the life of me I have no idea who she is. I smile out of habit at passers-by before I remember that I don't have to do this anymore. When will it ever sink in? The streets still own me hook line and sinker, or stinker... whichever way you want to look at it.

I pop into a discount bookshop to browse I'm not a great reader these days but do enjoy biographies as I'm dead nosey and love to know about other people's lives.

I skim through one on Madonna then put it back, aware that I'm getting the evil eye from the shopkeeper. On my way out I notice a girl standing miserably by an alley sporting a black eye. She still attempts to connect with men who hurry past her almost as if they are embarrassed to look. She has an air of desperation about her.

I watch her for a bit before approaching, "Hi."

She looks away, Ok then...

"I said hi,"

"I heard you, what do you want?"

"Nothing... just saying hello."

'Jeez, miserable cow.'

The girl sighs loudly, "Don't bother."

I hold up my hand, "Hey no sweat, it's just you look like you could use a friend that's all."

I walk away, fuck her.

The girl looks at me and calls out, "Wait, sorry ok, just not use to people being nice without wanting something in return."

She attempts a half-hearted grin.

I turn and smile, "You want to go for a's on me."

I know her look, she needs to offload and who better than yours truly

Inside I smirk remembering that I never used to be so generous. God age must be making me soft in the head.

We find a little cafe on Frith Street and sit outside with 2 espressos watching the world go by.

"What's your name?" I say stirring in three sugar lumps.

"Star," she mumbles as if slightly embarrassed.

"No, I meant your real name."

"Sue but don't call me that when anyone's about, I'm Star around here OK."

I shrug, "Sure, don't bother me. What are you doing around here as I know you're not waiting for a bus..."

Star laughs and coughs at the same time, "You've got that right." She hesitates, "Do you think I'm a bit too obvious?"

I ignore her and lean in closer, "What happened to your eye?"

"I fell."


An awkward silence hovers, "Have you got a pimp or that it?"

A chill descends around my heart and I scratch my neck trying to free myself.

Star shakes her head, "No not a pimp but I am in a relationship."

'Here we go...'

I roll my eyes, "And he loves you right?"

Star frowns and looks away, "Don't take the piss ok."

I down my coffee and stand up, "Listen if you ever need someone to talk to you can find me at the bakery near Rupert Court, just ask for Kizzy...I mean Melissa ok."

Star nods remaining seated, I walk away,

I turn back and wave then head for Piccadilly thinking that the girl is a train wreck I can spot them a mile off. One day Star will come looking for me and no doubt I'll live to regret it.

I jump on the tube and head for home deep in thought. I need to avoid her like the plague, but I know I won't.

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