Chapter 73

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Chapter 73


Phoenix rushed to the shop after receiving a frantic phone call. He thought this was bullshit, where was the truth? He knew Kizzy wasn't a bad person...just mixed up and who wouldn't be having a Dad like that! But right at this moment, his main priority was Benita then later he would think...there had to be an answer.

Kizzy 36 hours later.

Ok this is bullshit I've been stuck in this fucking cell for an between being marched to a room to answer the same bloody questions. They only have a few hours left then they'll either have to charge me or let me go, shitheads! But you know even with all this hassle, try as I might I can't find a smidgeon of regret. I'm not sorry at all.

I do feel awful for putting B through this, she doesn't deserve that. All I need at this moment is a fucking rainbow-filled miracle.


He eyed the two men who strode casually yet purposely into his cell. Immediately he was on red alert, sensing that these guys weren't regular thugs. The two middle-aged white dudes could almost be classed as clean-cut from a distance but now they were closer...too close and he could see that wasn't the case.

"Dante Feat?" said one giving a sarcastic smile.

"Who wants to know?" said Dante with more bravado than he felt.

The door was closed then one of them came towards him and launched a punch into his stomach sending him sprawling to the floor followed by a savage kick to the side of his head.

Dante groaned then the other guy hurried over and held his face while the smiler stamped on his nose. Blood gushed out as he felt the bones crack.

"This is a message from Matthew Rhodes, retract the description of the girl who was at the murder of that slag...if you don't you won't live the week out."

Frustrated tears ran from his eyes like a leaking dam and he flinched as one of the men stood over him, "Do you understand pretty boy?"

Dante nodded and croaked while one of them smacked his cheek, "Good lad." Then both left as quietly as they had arrived.

Shaking Dante pulled himself up as a guard walked by popping his head in and smirking. He carried on walking, seeing nothing.

He punched the wall in frustration knowing full well that you didn't mess with those guys, he had to retract or he'd be a dead man.


He gave a satisfied smile, message delivered, his little girl would be ok Daddy to the rescue. The mere thought of a low-life pimp getting one over his daughter turned his stomach. That idiot should be thanking his lucky stars that it was only his nose that was broken. Bloody little upstart. Matthew had no time for wannabes, no time at all.

Dante 8 hours later.

He signed the retraction with a grudge, one thing that he hated more than anything was being forced into doing the opposite of what he wanted. The new description was very clear Janis had short blonde hair, brown eyes, and was overweight. Not the girl that he remembered at all. His lawyer was confident that they would let him go soon...after all, he was innocent...he hoped.

The Police were not happy, they thought that they had their girl, Matthew Rhodes obviously carried a lot more clout than they did and it irritated the Hell out of them.

Dante was escorted back to his cell and flopped on the bed. He may not be that smart but he more than knew who to keep on the right side of. His broken nose hung like a pancake, he couldn't believe no one had taken him to have it set yet. He needed it done ASAP or handsome Dante would be a thing of the past. He shivered, thinking that life wouldn't be worth living.

He thought about the real Janis and wondered if that was her name. He'd see her again, he would make sure of it.

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