Chapter 49.

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Chapter 49.


Omg, we've had a call from The Sun newspaper! As I thought, they are going to be running a big story on Star and her 'dramatic' escape from The Rosebud killer. There's a part of me that can't wait to read it as knowing Star she's bound to embellish the hell out of it all...also I wonder if they'll make any references to his red rose garden and the way he always left one for me as his calling card...ha probably not.

Phoenix and Benita don't seem that bothered, they're both too wrapped up in their love bug thing and nothing can penetrate ...not even me. In general, though people have been so kind, our bakery is booming with customers much like all those years back when Dad left a chopped-up girl at the back door. It never ceases to amaze me how morbid people are. It's like the more gruesome the better. Life is cheap, there's always another victim and a new killer in town. Star's always fond of saying how sex sells but I reckon that murder's right up there with it.

Dad as usual has re-started his letter-writing campaign and I do the same as last it once then rip and throw. He'll never stop and I'm not going to stress about it any longer. There was a brief moment when I thought a return to a box was on the horizon but B came through for me, we're still sisters.

At work, if I had a pound for the number of times a customer asked me 'Are you the rosebud killer's daughter?' I'd be laughing my way to the bank. I'm always truthful in my reply and I see the pity in their eyes but you know I don't need it... I know I'm different from the run-of-the-mill but anyone would be having a dad like that.

I have fought hard to forgive him for killing our dogs', anyone who's cruel to animals in my book is scum. I can sense you thinking ' can you?' and to that all I can say is that he's still my dad and try as I might he's not going anywhere. He's like an itch that never goes away and I accept it because if I don't I'll just get more wound up and I can do without that.

I'm great at compartmentalizing and Dad just slots into a little box which I keep to the side but right at this moment I'm wondering what Star is going to say about me...really hope she doesn't throw me under the bus as I don't want to have to give her a pasting and hear people say those immortal words...' Just like her father!'

I look at Benita's tiny bulge and smile and know that I'm going to make a great aunt. The world will open up and let in light so that the darkness can sleep, lately, it's been overworking!

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