Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

Kizzy. 3 weeks later.

Well, so far I haven't given any interviews even though I've been inundated with offers. They're all offering the world, more money than I've ever made in my life. Once upon a time, I would have jumped with all guns blazing but now...Hell yeah, I'm taking the cash and I think I'm going to donate it to Centre Point homeless charity and make something good come out of all this. The thought warms my heart and I blush hoping that I'm not turning soft.


She was not finding the opportunities as plentiful as expected. Good Morning London had been humiliating, she had felt ridiculed and the interviewer had more or less insinuated that she was making most of it up. However, at this moment there was something far more pressing troubling her. She had received a call from the Daily Sport asking her to respond to allegations that she had a close connection to the late Tam Woodlouse and could she confirm if there was any truth in the rumors about her porn past.

How she responded would take careful planning as she was already a laughing stock...not the poor victim who triumphed against evil that she had imagined. She thought about Tam and felt a smidgeon of regret, he had not been that bad really...and Jed? Well, there was no point in thinking about him now, he was gone and not coming back. Smiling she stood tall, she was still a stunner, and sooner or later she would bag herself a sugar daddy. She was so done with working for a living.

The phone rang and she picked up eagerly, "Hello?"

"Star this is Bill from the Sun again, were you aware that Kizzy is planning to tell her side of the story?"

She froze, Omg Kizzy...SHIT! She hung up the phone and dived into bed pulling the duvet over her head.

Kizzy 1 week later.

I'm standing outside the Hilton Hotel with mixed feelings. I never thought I'd set foot in this place again. I exhale, well at least this time it's for truth and not some pretend bitter fantasy character. I see one of the same doormen! Wow, he must love that job. He doffs his hat not recognizing me, that's a good sign!

I smile confidently and walk inside, no need to ask where the bar is, I remember it well. Over to the right I spy a guy with coffee and croissants. He looks up and waves...that must be him. I can see inside his fake smile a mile away. Oh well here goes...

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