Chapter 28

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Chapter 28.

Benita and Phoenix.

They both sat in front of the television glued to the news. Reporters had flocked to the scene and it was as if the whole of London had come to a standstill. A helicopter circled above the warehouse and if the couple hadn't been directly involved no doubt they would have found it all very exciting.

"Get your coat!" shouted Benita, "I want to be there when they bring our daughter out."

Phoenix knew better than to argue. He grabbed his keys and they both dashed out of the door. Central London had never seemed so far away, the journey was taking forever.

Every stop and start just made the chances of Lucky being brought out alive, slimmer and slimmer.

Taking the car had proved to be a bad move but for the time being all that they could do was sit tight and stop and start.

Benita stared out of the window wondering if any of the faceless people had any idea of what she was going through. Phoenix was grim, his mind had already accepted the worst possible outcome and he was strangely comfortable with it even though he knew that was not a helpful attitude. He patted Benita's leg more for reassurance for himself. She did not react.

They decided to park and run the rest of the way. The traffic was knee- deep so there was no other choice. They raced along and found that they were able to follow some squad cars, who were no doubt going to the same place, and all the time Benita prayed that Kizzy was ok and had Lucky safe. She regretted their fallout so much and couldn't understand how a happy unit could fracture down the middle so easily. She had assumed that she had a forever family now, she was not so sure.

They reached the side street and were stopped from going any further by a Police officer.

"You don't understand!" shouted Benita, "Our daughter is in there!"

"We're the parents," said Phoenix looking worriedly at Benita.

The officer reluctantly let them pass and they ran towards the others. One holding a megaphone looked towards the warehouse door in frustration.

"Can't you storm the place?" asked Phoenix trying not to hyperventilate.

"No, he has a gun and is threatening to kill the child..."

Benita began to wail, her haunting screams rang out over Central London, tortured and on the verge of collapse. Television cameras caught every heartbreaking moment and reporters celebrated. This was a TV golden moment. America eat your heart out.


Time is ticking. No food. No toilets. No nappy change for Lucky...what the fuck are we going to do?

Kizzy fly by night.On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara