Chapter 36

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Chapter 36


"You let him kill the only man I've ever loved."

Phoenix rubbed her shoulder, "He probably did you a favor there...Come on let's get this rolled up and downstairs before he comes looking."

"He's your Dad you should have stopped him," she pouted.

Phoenix grabbed her wrist, "Look Dad or not I never knew him ok...I had no idea this was going to happen."

"But you knew he had killed people."

Not wanting to get into it any further he bowed his head and started rolling the rug. Star nudged it in a half-hearted attempt to help all the while wondering why she and Kizzy couldn't just make a run for it. Deep down she knew it wasn't that easy but she still carried a glimmer of hope.

Both of them lifted the rug and carefully made their way downstairs. The house was deathly silent as if all life had been sucked out of it.

Star hesitated and grabbed on to Phoenix so she could whisper, "You know you and me could get out of here...together."

Desperation was stamped firmly across her face. Phoenix sighed thinking that he really wasn't that desperate. He felt resigned to whatever was going to happen and just couldn't be bothered anymore, all the dreams of him and his Dad dashing off into the sunset were nothing more than fantasy...And never going to happen. He stared at Star and actually felt some pity, she was a lost soul, a child in the body of a grown-up and he had no doubt that life would get worse for her.

"Just say you'll think about it," she said softly sounding like a disembodied ghost.

Not wanting to listen to any more crap he indicated for her to pick the carpet back up and looked forward trying to ignore her seductive winks. He thought of Benita and felt a smidgeon of guilt knowing that deep down he did have genuine feelings for her, he just wasn't sure how strong they were. The miscarriage was a blessing and sooner or later she would see that.

He pushed the front room door open and shuffled in, Star dropped her side of the rug and caressed his shoulder as she moved past him.

Benita glared at her and Matthew jumped up clapping, "Ok, all hands to the pump, let's get rid of the rubbish while we have the chance."


"Fucking Star! Jeez, I might have known, talk about brazen!"

I just can't deal at this minute but when this is over she's going to get it. By the time I've finished with her, she'll be wishing she'd gone with Jed."

Dad and Phoenix are rolling out the carpet, the sooner the better, he stinks already ugh.

"Grab a leg sweetheart."

I groan, I knew I'd be dragged into it somehow.

Dad and Phoenix each take an arm and I gingerly take an ankle. He weighs a ton for someone so bloody skinny. I drop it in a flash when a river of piss starts to run down his leg. Dad cackles, "Since when did you become so squeamish?"

"I don't want to touch him,"

Dad huffs clearly irritated, "God anyone would think you've never seen a dead body before."

Kizzy fly by night.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang