Chapter 58

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Chapter 58


Time goes so slowly when you want something badly. I watch goggle-eyed as faceless guests drift in and out of the elevator. I think about Lulu and wonder what she'd have to say about all this. It makes me smile, no brainer, she'd tell me to walk away and keep my arse out of trouble and would I listen? Probably not, I've always had a problem with authority. I stretch my legs out...jeez, I could do with a coffee.

My eyes clock a young well-dressed girl strolling in with an old guy. I can see the excitement in his eyes as he grips her little hand. She looks like a right air head hope she's getting well paid! I have the luxury now to smile as I have a new title called respectable. I smirk and a bit of my heart lurches...I still miss my box and Podge, my partner in crime. My face darkens Podge is dead and even though I know Dad killed him I weirdly blame Star. She brought so much shit to my door and in return I'm going to cover her with it.

The lift pings and I sit up, there she is, with dark glasses and a head scarf as if she's some fucking movie star! Who's she trying to kid? She doesn't look over and heads swiftly for the door.

Wow! Going out...brave or stupid... I watch the doorman tip his hat and she ignores him, ignorant bitch! Pulling the collar from my jacket up, I lift my hood and start to follow her.

I tail her cautiously she seems to be heading for Mayfair. Good plenty of hidden side streets. Where can she be going? I quicken my pace she's approaching Shepherds Market...what's the bitch up to?

I hurry along falling easily back into familiar territory. The quaint streets engulf me making me feel worryingly comfortable. I pass the notorious purple door that's been open for decades to encourage men into its lair, for fun and frolics providing they have the cash. Weirdly I never once dared step inside to see what it was all about, was always on high alert about getting my head kicked in. Those girls may look ladylike but well let's just say think that at your peril haha.

It's disheartening to see that Shepherds Market appears to have cleaned up, nothing is obvious now although I have no doubt that it's still exactly the same...much like Soho.

Star's gone in side Ye Grapes, the corner Victorian pub on the square. I'm half wondering if I should grab her now...but common sense prevails. I'm going to go inside and watch, see who she's meeting, and maybe surprise her in the loo.

Kizzy fly by night.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora