chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Phoenix opens Benita's bedroom drawers. He enjoys snooping even though he has no idea what he is actually looking for. Going through people's private things always gives him a buzz, he likes to know what makes them tick, where they are going in life and more importantly what are they hiding.

He picks up a photo of Todd and sneers at least he won't have him to deal with. He searches through her underwear pulling a face, she needs a serious makeover. Another picture catches his eye, he picks it up. Kizzy and Benita standing in the garden arms wrapped around each other with grins as wide as the sea. She has to go, no doubt about it, but how and more importantly when? He puts the picture back and stares at himself in the mirror. He never gets tired of his reflection. Benita has well and truly landed on her feet. "I'd even date me," he sniggers, winking at his freezing eyes.

Soho Kizzy

Closing the bakery I smile, it's good to be home and despite her moaning I've missed my sister, also I have to keep a close eye on that Pleb Phoenix, something about him just doesn't sit right. I wonder about Sue and where she's gone and pray that she hasn't handed over her money to that pimp... Maybe Benita could let her stay for a while but deep down I already know the answer to that.

I walk along Brewer Street with my hands in my pocket reminiscing about Gayle and Lulu and my box. It all seems like a remote dream and I wonder if they are still around me whispering in my ear...I'd love that.

Somehow real is much more boring. Getting older means more rules, if it wasn't for Benita God knows where I'd be, running no doubt, always running.

Sue hurries along the road crying, so much for a welcome back! She crams a Twix into her mouth and nearly chokes. She might have known that bastard would have moved another girl into her room. She wasn't surprised in the least but her heart was broken, she'd thought that deep down he cared. Thinking of Kizzy she vows to take a leaf out of her book and, 'trust no one.' Approaching the bakery she groans, it's closed as suspected. She walks around to the back and sits by the bins shivering looking around, remembering when Kizzy told her about a body being dumped there years ago. Well creepy or not, this was her bed for the night, she was too upset and too damn tired to go one more step. No way was she wasting any of her hard-earned money or going back to that dickhead loser.

Kizzy. Morning.

I enter the kitchen and there he is, Phoenix rising, all smiles. He sits at the table smoking, "The wanderer returns."

"Hi, "I say grudgingly.


"I can get my own thanks."

He held up a hand, "Sorry just trying to be nice."

"Don't bother," I mutter.

Benita pushes open the door, "Morning guys, all ok?"

"Never better," we say at the same time subtly glaring at the other.

Benita turns to me, "Can you open up for me?"

I nod, "Sure... you going somewhere?"

Benita and Phoenix giggle, "No, we just fancy spending some quality time together, have been rushed off my feet since you've been gone you know."

I snatch the shop keys highly irritated and go upstairs to dress.


I open the back door of the shop and nearly trip over Sue.

"Jesus! What the Hell?"

Sue opens a bleary mascara-caked eye, "What time is it?"

"Looks like time you were up...what are you doing here?"

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