Kizzy Book 2. Good Girl. Bad Girl.

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Kizzy 2. The Trial. 1 year later.

Facing my Dad in court wasn't as big a deal as I'd thought. There was a hushed silence as they brought him out swamped by officers.

I am amazed at how smart he looks, his suit is crisp, his hair is neat as an ironing board, obviously just been cut.

We look at each other and he gives me a cheery wave and a cheeky wink. I get a distinct impression that he sees this all as just a fun day out. I sit still staring straight ahead he's no one, just a killer. Todd as usual is my saviour he doesn't let my hand go once. I think I might love him.

Each day the courtroom is packed with eager faces all straining to get a look at the Soho killer. They all come away slightly disappointed as he looks nothing like the two-headed monster they were expecting. The press devour and feast this is a frenzy for the senses and in-between it all is me, his daughter. Was I a victim they wondered or a chip off the old block?

I even see some women trying to give Dad the eye like they fancy him! I know I've done bad things in the past but this shocks me. Dad... Well, he's loving it, lapping it up. Rock star status finally achieved.

When they call me to the stand I am attacked by his lawyer, I dodge and swerve his digs easily. He's not that tough. I speak clearly and honestly telling the shocked jury about what it is like to grow up with such a father. I can feel them on my side, one woman even cries and that throws me for a second. Dad is beaming with pride so I do my best not to look at him.

So many supposed witnesses are called, experts in this and that going on and on about things I'm clueless about. A few times I have to pinch myself to keep awake. I notice Dad yawning too and for some reason this makes me giggle.

I see the parents of the little homeless girl he murdered. They look like sad very decent people and I feel ashamed that it's my father who took their child's life. The mother looks at me often and I have to look away. I kind of feel as if I'm to blame which is crazy I know.

I had been hoping that some of Lulu and Gale's family would be attending, but there was no one. They may as well have been Jane and Jack Doe. No one cares they are seen as the rubbish of society. That hurts me a lot as they were the nearest thing to family that I had.

It takes three months for a verdict. Why it took so long when everyone knew what he did I've got no idea. The end result is delivered into a hushed courtroom. I feel as if the whole world is holding its breath.

"Guilty, Guilty, Guilty, Guilty."

With every proclamation his smile gets wider, beaming with confidence. I get the feeling he feels as if he is being presented with medals. He is charged with the attempted murder of me which I'm not sure I agree with. To be honest I still find it hard to accept that he would have killed me. Throughout it all I was always his little girl. Todd keeps on telling me to throw away the rose-tinted glasses, but you know at times it's not that easy. After all, blood is blood...does that make me the same as him?

The expected life sentences are handed out and the parents of the homeless girl cheer. As Dad is led away he blows a kiss and promises to write me. I stare at the back of his head until I can't see him anymore. Todd squeezes my hand. For now, it seems to be over. We follow a plainclothes officer to a back exit so we can avoid the press. The unmarked car is waiting and once again I get inside with Todd and am driven away.

4 years Later.

Dad's latest letter says he is also being charged with the Camden Murder. I exhale, he kept his word. In a strange way I knew that he would. Surely now my life can only go up...


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