Chapter 22.

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Chapter 22.


Mathew lay on his bed and gave a secret smile. He felt on top of the world after hearing his daughter's voice. He wasn't ready to speak to her just yet, but he wanted her to be curious...maybe hope that it could be him. He did so love surprises. Just calling the number and knowing that she'd answer was poetry to his soul. If anything being unfairly locked up had intensified his love for her.

Sometimes he wondered if this was finally true love or was he simply in love with the idea that they were so similar...

The word love sent shivers down his back that were almost as intense as killing, although maybe not quite. However the love did seem to have stuck around for a lot longer than the high from a kill, so maybe there was something in it.

The thought of her insolent eyes, so like his own made him feel aroused. She was a chip off the old block that was for sure. She had a wild energy that was untameable and boy could she fight like a wild cat! His hands slipped into his pants and he closed his eyes reliving the last time they had met...the fight to the death. If only he could have devoured her, chewed on her heart, that way she would have never been able to leave him.

When he had first rang the number he'd half expected her voice to have aged but was delighted to hear her sound exactly the same, young, innocent, yet with a delicious edge. And that edge would always be him. No matter how hard she tried to forget or deny he would always be part of her, after all his blood ran through her veins.

He removed his semen-streaked hand and reached for a tissue. He still couldn't abide mess it gave him the shivers. Picking up his mobile he dialled her number. It rang on past the five rings he had been used to and he wondered what on earth she could possibly be up to. Irritation scampered across his face then relaxed as she answered.


He breathed deeply bathing in her energy.

"I said hello... Who the fuck is this?"

He held his breath and made a mental note to tame her sewer mouth one day.

"Ok Asshole, go and jerk off to someone else, goodbye!"

The line went dead and he giggled wondering what her reaction would be when he finally revealed himself. Would she be grateful? Happy... relieved? Whatever, he looked forward to that day and hoped that maybe she would honor him with a visit. He would ask Phoenix if he could arrange anything, although it could prove tricky seeing as though they obviously couldn't stand each other. It was all a little awkward but nothing that he couldn't handle, after all, she owed him a lot and all he required in return was her love.

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