Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


The Royal Opera House is just like I remember, but now I'm somebody it looks even better, huge, white and noble. No cheap seats for me this time! We have a fucking red and gold box.

Oh my God, I love the way the heavy velvet curtains brush against my arm as we are shown to our seats. The staff are so polite and respectful haha... I LOVE being rich.

Susan leans into Richard, "So what's the story about baby?"

He smiles, "Don't worry your pretty little head about it just enjoy the moving picture."

He kisses her hand and she flutters her lashes...gross. Yuck, pass me the sick bag please. I turn into Peter, "I love this story so much."

He pats my head, "So tell me are you the Black or White Swan?"

I giggle, "That would be telling."

The Orchestra begins and everything goes black...time for curtains...

I sip my Champagne and concentrate on the performance. The music swirls around me burrowing into my head and I brush Peter's hand away irritably. From the corner of my eye, I can see that I've hurt his feelings. Softening I offer him a booby prize and tap my foot against his.

Richard and Susan are lost inside each others' tonsils not remotely interested in the reason that we are here sitting in this amazing I said, BASIC.

The Ballerina is exquisite and her every move I paste into my heart imagining that it's me up there. Decades ago I always dreamt of being a dancer...that is before wanting to be an actress! But you know, long story cut short...I just wanted to be adored and rich...Now I'm both...but I can't help wishing that Peter was more attractive, just a tiny bit. Goodness! The other night he even hinted about me getting pregnant! No fucking way! He'd be the oldest Dad on the planet and me? I'd be tied for life which is a long time.

Susan excuses herself to go to the loo. Richard nudges me to follow which I do with a bit of a grudge...I'll miss the dance of the Black Swan! The best bit, I stomp off like a stroppy school girl and both men wink at each other finding it all hilarious.

Richard is holding his opera glasses and scanning the place, no doubt looking at other women. I'd better not catch Peter doing that or I'll slap his wrinkled arse...he's damn lucky that I give him the time of day.

In the toilets (which may I add are sparkling,) all is quiet. There is a funny shuffling coming from the last cubicle. I knock on the door, "Hey, you ok in there?"

The door opens and she pulls me inside. There is a white residue under her perfect little nose. I point it out then rub my finger skilfully along stealing the evidence. She smiles all glassy-eyed and grateful.

"Thanks Sweetie."

I lick my finger, it tastes hideous. "Are you enjoying the show?" I ask eager to fill up the silence.

"It's not really my thing...but don't tell yeah?"

I shrug, "Sure it's no skin off my nose...talking of which we'd better get back out there."

She chuckles "I guess, no rest for the wicked huh?"

I catch her stare and just like that I know what she's about, I can see her, I was right. Richard will use her up until something better comes along then she'll be out on her ear. I hope the Bitch is saving her money!

We head back to our men. That's a joke, why does everything good seem to come with conditions? Why can't I be that wealthy? It doesn't seem fair...I mean I'm far more deserving.

The curtain call is magical. I clap so much that my hands hurt...I wish it was me up there, why am I such a waster... (Because you had a horrible childhood and a serial killer Dad) says my sensible side gently. I agree, I must be more grateful.

My old friend Lulu who my Dad took from me (I'm being generous here, he killed her) always said that gratitude will bring wealth...but boy she could morph into negative Nancy when she was ready.

Peter and Richard are ruddy and looking slightly worse for wear but thankfully the driver is waiting, our saviour from the circus. Susan holds us up by rushing back to the Ladies' room. The men barely notice. We climb into the car and wait, and wait and wait. I haven't a clue what she's up to. After 10 minutes an uneasy silence develops and Peter tells me to go and hurry her up.

I stride back inside heading for the nearest toilet...not there! What the fuck...

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