Chapter 40

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Chapter 40


He stared at everyone blindly and quickly swallowed back a bubble of panic. The bell rang again and Kizzy went to go and answer. Matthew yanked her back, "No... not you."

Taking the gun out he pointed to Benita, she stood up in a daze but all that was on his mind was getting rid of unwanted visitors, he felt life had been extremely unfair after all the years he had endured being locked up in that hell hole. This was just the last straw and he would not allow it. After all that planning he had finally got his little girl back and now the powers that be were trying to spoil things.

He nudged Benita with the gun and Phoenix shot up suddenly overcome with the need to protect. "Dad no, let me go."

Matthew turned to him sneering, "Haven't you got a smidgeon of sense? They'll take one look at you and search this whole miserable house." He sighed, "Clueless, absolutely clueless. You're not a patch on your sister."

He turned to smile at Kizzy and she scowled before turning to Phoenix. Expecting a look of hatred she was amazed to see nothing but regret and sadness. The doorbell continued followed by aggressive thumping. "This is the Police Open up!" Matthew moved towards the door with the gun jabbing Benita in the back, "Now remember not a word open up see what on earth they want and no coming in without a warrant."

Benita nodded, inhaled, and exhaled before pulling the door ajar. Matthew stood at the side with the gun pointing at her head.


I'm watching it all unfold through a crack in the door. Poor B, she's like the worst liar ever, this is going to be cringe.

"Can I help you?" asks B. Two Policemen smile in what they no doubt think is a friendly way. To be honest it looks no different than the smile from a serial killer Dad.

"We have had a call from someone complaining about an overpowering strange smell which is coming from your garden."

Benita reddens, "Oh I'm so sorry I was burning some rubbish and meat past its sell-by date...I didn't realize the smell would travel so far."

I see the Police study her face no doubt her top lip is always does that when she's nervous.

"Do you mind if we have a quick look around then?"

Omg No! It's all over. Benita smiles weakly, "Do you have a warrant?"

The tubby one smiles, "No but we can easily get one."

I look at Star who' getting hyped up, "No," I whisper, "Don't do it."

"Fuck that!" she says pulling open the front room door. "Help us!" she screams running forward and waving her hands. Matthew fires before she can get the next word out. I watch helplessly as she falls to the floor then before the Police can react Dad grabs Benita and slams the door. She starts screaming like a banshee and I pray for her sake that she shuts the fuck up. I can hear Police radios now, cars pulling up, this is over, it has to be. Breathing deeply I search for clarity, Ok Star has gone but I have to save B If nothing else I NEED to save B.

I run towards her and grab her face, "B listen I'll fix this ok, I promise I'll fix this."

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