Kizzy : Book 3. Chapter 1 Kizzy's Truth

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Book 3. Kizzy's Truth.

Chapter 1

Kizzy: 1 year later

I'm looking in the mirror wondering where on earth the time has gone. Can't believe I'm 19, my last year of being a teen! This can't be fucking right surely...but when I see my reflection there's no getting away from it...I'm almost old.

Lucky has settled so well into the family, she eats enough to feed an army, and to top it all B is still breastfeeding! Ugh rather her than me.

Dad of course is still in contact, the more that I try to get rid of him, the more he ramps the campaign what the Hell I leave him to it. I've committed to one letter a month which he's not exactly delighted with but shit, beggars can't be choosers.

So far I'm bobbing along like a boat at sea, unsure which way to go next, North? South? East? West? Who the fuck knows but for the moment I go where the calm is.

I pissed B right off yesterday when I told her that Lucky said 'Kiz'. She was fuming although she pretended not to be haha. But you know I can't help it if I'm the perfect auntie, can I?

Since the sinister letter I've not heard from Dante but I'm not dumb enough to think that I'm out of the woods yet. He's playing a mind game with me and I'm not falling for it. He can stay locked up in my imaginary box with dark Kizzy and can be dealt with later if needs be.

For the moment I find myself reminiscing like an oldie, like now I'm missing my box, my independence, my best friends...I know time moves on and nothing stays the same but it still leaves a heavy heart.


"Where's my little Lucky Ducky?"

The baby laughed and flapped her hands as food leaked from the corners of her mouth. Benita raised the spoon to try and sneak another blob of food in and ended up having it all flicked back in her face. She sighed wondering why no one had told her how hard this mother thing could be.

"Kiz, can you come down and feed her for me so I can pop out for a break...she's doing my head in."

Kizzy smiled, Auntie to the rescue.


After feeding greedy guts, I wait for B to get back so I can leave for work.

I hear the front door good she's back.

"All ok?" she says.

"Yeah, we're in here."

She marches in and stands before me with a glint in her eyes. She's up to something for sure.

"What's up with you?" I say in-between tickling Lucky.

"I'm getting married!" she announces grandly, "It's all booked up!"

What the fuck..."Does Phoenix know?"

She waves her hand as if it is of no relevance, "Oh I'll tell him later, he'll be fine about it."

Talk about Boss B!

The day is bright and I walk with purpose. I notice the appreciative looks that I'm getting from men and ignore them. I guess to an outsider I could almost be classed as beautiful but you know even though the package is perfect, the inside is a long shot. I'm not interested in anyone romantically. Dante had me thinking but that was just me in destructive mode...not feasible in any shape or form.

After being on the streets and dealing with the worst men that society has to offer it has put me off for life. I kind of think I'll be a Nun time in the early hours of the morning I even wondered if I could know, gay. It wouldn't surprise me one bit but then I think of Dante and it's BOOM, NO you're not gay. Who knows though I'm a flighty flitter, the world is waiting for me I just wish I knew what it had planned.

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