Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


Today would be a good day. Matthew just felt it in his bones, he had a tiny switch in his brain that always activated when something exciting was going to happen. His listening in at the breakfast table had been very enlightening resulting in him completely changing his opinion of prisoners. He had thought that they were all low lives but was amazed to discover that some were actually very intelligent. He was not in the business of making friends but if that's what it for a penny, in for a pound. He was all in.

The two men shared a cell next door to him and had something delightfully slippery up their sleeves. From what Matthew could ascertain there was a loose panel in the ceiling of their cell. On closer examination, the slimmer of the two had climbed up and carefully pushed it to the side while his cellmate kept watch.

What he had discovered was unbelievable. After crawling inside past tubes and panels and other dusty contraptions he came to a grating that allowed him to see in a room that looked very much like an overnight restroom for the higher-ranking officers. Watching carefully trying to contain his over-zealous heartbeat he soon learned about all the comings and goings and his understanding was that once an officer had used the flat, showered, and rested, he simply left by the front door.

The two inmates realized that they would need uniforms and a brass nerve. Matthew had enough brass nerve for both of them and was not willing to let this opportunity pass him by.

From the earlier discussion, Matthew had heard that they planned on vanishing by lunchtime. He laughed when he heard that thinking that the fatter one would probably get stuck.

Pillows would be hidden in the bunks to resemble sleeping and they would be up and out. Matthew wondered if it could really be that simple...where were the uniforms... money to survive...immediate plans? Could this bid for freedom really be feasible, it wasn't a question of if he could do it, more a question of when. All that he was sure about was that his little girl needed him.

Knocking on the cell door Matthew walked in. The two men sat thick as thieves on their bunks and looked up in confusion.

"I have weed." smiled Matthew.

They gestured for him to close the door which he did softly as a cat padding through the night. Taking out a packet of cigarettes he approached the man on the bottom bunk. The other jumped down eagerly. Matthew smiled warmly knowing that the next stage would be a lot easier than anticipated, the rush was building in his veins.

He tossed the roll-up papers to the slim one watching as he opened a cigarette. He tried to remember his name...Josh maybe. The fatty was nameless, anyway it really didn't matter.

They exchanged small talk then Matthew slipped his hand in his pocket and lunged forward slitting the throat of the fatty with his new toothbrush shivvie. He breathed deeply as the feel-good endorphins flooded him. Josh dropped his roll up in shock watching as his friend fell to the floor clutching his neck and gurgling. It took him a moment to process what he had just witnessed before he sprang to his feet and made a dash for the door. He wasn't quick enough Matthew was on him in an instant dragging him back to his bunk with a hand over his mouth. Once he had him lying down he slit his throat in one clean swipe then covered him up watching for a few seconds as the blood leaked through. Pulling himself back to reality he pushed and dragged the fatty underneath the bunk.

"Lose some weight next time." He muttered. Then with one eye on the door and one on the ceiling, he climbed on the table and hoisted himself carefully up. Being of athletic build this was fairly easy. Once safely inside he looked down, "Sorry about that Gentlemen but my need really was far greater."

He carefully replaced the panel and breathed in the musky darkness giving his eyes time to acclimatise then he was off crawling like a Demon surfacing from Hell. He dodged the posts and the wires and flicked away any roaming rats. He hurried further and further around every curve of the bend until suddenly he was there.

Gazing through the grating he couldn't see any sign of life but certainly didn't take that as gospel. Aware that time would be running out he decided to risk it. Dropping down after removing the panel he soon realised his mistake as he heard the heavy flow from the shower. His heartbeat quickened as he spotted the uniform it was a gift from God affirming to him that he was doing the right thing.

Quickly he put the uniform over his clothes and walked towards the shower door. Once inside he pulled the curtain back and stabbed the officer in the eye. He screamed like a banshee so Matthew finished him off.

The officer slumped down in the shower while Matthew smiled finding the fast flow of blood deeply satisfying.

After washing his hands he pulled the hat over his head and opened the front door. He waved to security who obliviously waved back, then he was free, exhaling, he had done it, actually done the impossible, now all he had to do was reach his little girl.

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