Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


She stared out of the window at the sky and shivered. She wondered if her baby was safe...was she frightened... was he feeding her? Her thoughts turned to Kizzy, her vibrant sister that she had loved so much...How could this have happened?

Phoenix handed her a second Brandy and she knocked it back. He attempted to comfort her but she pushed him away. He slammed out of the room kicking a chair as he left.

Later that night the phone rang, Benita ran to pick it up praying that Lucky had been found. It wasn't the Police, there was a moment of hesitation before he spoke his voice was feminine and seductive.

"I have your baby I'm just letting you know that she's safe...for now."

The line went dead, "Wait! Who is this?"

Phoenix grabbed the phone, "Where the fuck is my daughter? If you harm one hair on her head..."

Benita took the receiver, "He's gone."

They both stared vacantly at the phone until Phoenix took charge and called the Police.


I walk down towards Waterloo hoping against all odds that maybe just maybe my old spot is still available. The bin bag is weighing heavily on my shoulder, I feel as though I'm carrying a ton of bricks. Every step leaves me more exhausted. I'm grateful for the downpour as it does a good job of hiding my tears and shielding my weakness.

Underneath the arches, I am amazed at the change. Pop- up shops and pretentious bars litter the area, so much so that I struggle to remember where exactly my home was. I turn down a side road and come to an abrupt more more empty more box.

A sparkly shop selling male fragrance stands in its place, a total fraud. I look around feeling a surge of panic I hate change...where can I go? In the old days this place would be teaming with the homeless...not now...where the fuck have they gone?

 The night is drawing in so I have to find somewhere pretty fast. I decide to head back towards the river. My eyes are peeled for any suitable space, there isn't any, just tourists, party boats, and laughter...everything that I want to avoid. I walk down some worn stone steps until I'm standing on the river bed. A few mud-larkers dig in the hope of finding some long- lost treasure. Ha, good luck with that! The place stinks as I walk along feeling my trainers squelch into the filth... Fuck Benita! Fuck her to death...this would never have happened if Todd had still been alive. My anger fuels me as I hurry forward. By the next set of steps' I spot an opening, a small square cut into the concrete...plenty of room to doze and contemplate... figure out my next move.

Mapping it out as my bed for the night I hurry upstairs in search of a box...touch wood I'll be safe when the tide comes in...shit...will I? Okay, maybe not a cool idea. I tighten my grip on my bag and keep walking until I reach Knightsbridge. I always thought that money shone from the tree- tops here...It doesn't, it never did. Grimly I walk towards Harrods department store which is glittering, like a fairy castle. I stroll behind the building thinking that I may find an empty storage unit or loading bay. Nothing...Okay, the park is where I'm going to be.

Crossing the road I break into a run knowing that I'll be ok. The night is my friend and I won't fall. Once at the park I grab one of the deckchairs and drag it under the biggest tree that I can find. Perfect. I sit staring straight ahead. For some reason the tears won't stop...yet I'm not upset, I'm angry, Dante's going to pay for this.

The night is not as bad as I imagined. The rain drips from the tree like a lullaby as a warm feeling engulfs me bringing memories of my box flooding back. I never got tired of hearing London night noise. This is a poor substitute...but it will do until I clear my head.           

Kizzy fly by night.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora