Chapter 27.

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Chapter 27.


Matthew couldn't shake the feeling that his little girl was in trouble. He had woken in the night in a cold sweat, something was wrong, he could feel it. He tossed and turned for most of the night, jumping from rage to worry. He wondered where that useless son of his had got to, he would be sure to give him a piece of his mind next time they spoke. Honestly, he just couldn't rely on anyone these days!

He lined up for breakfast feeling frustrated, same old day, same old hour and minute. He really wasn't cut out for this. Ok he reasoned, he had killed, but was it deserving of a life sentence? If you looked at it logically really all he had done was help the government by trimming the low-life population.

He took his tray and sat down at the end of a table. Three men were in deep conversation, he tried not to listen but this talk was extremely interesting.


God I've had a rough night! We all slept in the front room, blankets thrown all over the place. B got the sofa, and the rest of us found a space where we could. Jed slept with one eye open so the chances of making a run for it were non-existent.

"You ok B?"

She looks pale as fuck as she nods unconvincingly. I look at Phoenix who's still nursing his bloody head, typical, selfish to the end. We catch eyes and he gives me a fierce scowl...what's his fucking problem! He turns towards Star and Jed, I can almost hear him calculating.

"Look Man, we both know that sooner or later the Police are going to be banging down the door," he hesitates, "I've got connections you know...maybe I can help?"

Jed laughs, "You help"

"Guy in Soho sells Passports...probably other things too."

"Oh we don't want to leave the country," says Star firmly.

I can't believe I'm hearing this, fake passports, whatever next. "Where would you go?" I ask.

Jed shakes his head, "We're not going anywhere, I need to think."

He looks at Star meanly and I can tell that he's planning on dumping her arse asap.

"You got any money?" asks Jed suddenly, I shake my head and he turns to B, "You must have some, as you've got a business."

Benita shakes her head, "I haven't."

Phoenix squeezes her hand to ssh her, "What she means is she hasn't got any ready cash in the house but...we can get some."

B looks horrified, "I'm not giving away Dad's money."

I frown wondering if it's possible to loathe Phoenix anymore, what a shithead.

B clutches her stomach, "I need to go to the bathroom."

Star jumps up but I stand in front of her, "I'll go."

Both Jed and Phoenix scrutinize me wondering if I can be trusted, then Jed nods his head. Star sits in the corner stroking Podge, he licks her hand and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't fuming. God Podge what happened to loyalty? Last time he'd let me down like that was when my Dad found me. I hope this isn't going to be a replay.

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