Chapter 48.

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Chapter 48.


We have been told that we can't go back to the house for a week...bloody Dad! B will be fine as Phoenix has his own place...first I've heard of this! He says he doesn't mind if I have the couch but I'm not sure, I kind of feel like I'm intruding on their private joy and more importantly their recovery. However, give Phoenix his due he's doing his best to include me and for that, I feel majorly grateful. Maybe having a brother won't be all that bad.

I wonder what the headlines will be like...? No doubt Dad will be in his element. The more lurid the better and it will give him the strength to carry on, to dream and plot, and there's nothing that he does better than plot. But hey, at the end of the day most plots come undone...lesson to YOU Daddy. I smile at this as one thing I do know is that he's not one for learning. He makes the rules and never follows them.

Two Weeks Later.


You know something I had no idea that Phoenix had a place in Soho. It's so tiny but suits us all just fine considering that we can't go home until the end of the week now. Benita's looking happy as Larry. For the moment she's got her man and the Bakery is back in business. We are all relieved to get some kind of normality back (in between reading all the sensational newspaper headlines.)

Despite how horrific and uncomfortable it all reads the good old media seems to have given birth to a new superstar in the serial killer stakes. Page after page about the mysterious newly named Rosebud killer keeps the streets enthralled, me included!

God every other day they discover something new, more depraved than the last. I wonder who's feeding them this shit?...not that it matters for the moment.

I pick up the Evening Standard and there he is again, I've already seen him in The Sun and The Mirror this morning but again he's grinning away, you turn the page and he's coy, then flirty, sensual... a total Chameleon. He looks like he's thoroughly loving his new rock star status.

I'm hoping that sooner or later London will get sick of his creepy mug but deep down I'm not so sure.

My thoughts drift to Star and I just know that there will be more to come.

Kizzy fly by night.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora