Chapter 16

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Zoey was sleeping peacefully as I left her room and nodded to Derek.  He relaxed on the couch, since she was up in arms about Ezekiel's distance.  It worried her, she was afraid he wanted to leave and he didn't love us anymore.  It took a lot to calm her and of course Ezekiel was off somewhere even I couldn't sense.

I sighed as I went for the door, my heart aching.  "Keep her safe."

He smiled softly.  "Always.  Stay safe, Violet."

I paused.  "As much as I can."

With that I stepped into a shadow and Xavier was waiting with drinks.  He slowly swirled his glass as I sat.  "So..."

I sighed.  "They can't get close without someone or someones getting captured."

He watched as I took my first shot.  "It's dangerous."

I nodded as he did the same and topped us off.  "Everything we do is dangerous."

He chuckled.  "Your mate will worry."

I met his gaze.  "As will yours."

We drank at the same time.  "Have you talked to him?"

I sighed.  "Can't talk to someone who is not here."

He raised his eyebrows, pouring.  "Not here?"

I stared at the ice cubes.  "No, he left the cave and went North.  I'm sure there's a reason, he was in there for a while."

He pursed his lips.  "He'll be back."

I nodded.  "He'd never let me go."

We threw the next one back.  "So..."

Again, I met his eyes.  "I've never seen this grand palace before."

He smirked.  "Sounds like fun, but what's the plan?"

I smiled mischievously.  "Have I ever told you I hate the Season?"

He chuckled as he grabbed his coat.  "Every fucking chance you get."


I felt the restlessness as I returned.  "What th-"  I sprinted to the packhouse and burst into the council room.  Every one of the Eclipse council was there except the twins.  "What's going on?"

I was met with disgruntled stares.  "You don't know?"

It was Toni who spoke and my heart sank.  "Tell me."

Aurora looked pissed.  "Those assholes took the fuck off and left me behind, that's what."

Ryan glared at her.  "They could be in danger!"

She crossed her arms.  "And I'd happily join them, but no.  They just left me behind, those ungra-"

Toni sighed, shaking his head.  "Do you have anything Ryan?  They can't have gotten far."

He rubbed his face in frustration.  "These are the twins we are talking about.  They trained us for fuck's sake."

I was lost as I looked at my Beta.  "Get me up to speed."

He gestured to the others.  "This is the speed, they just... vanished and can't be found.  They've been going back and forth for the last 3 hours not really saying anything.  Except her... she's just mad she was left behind."

I rubbed my temples.  "What do you mean 'vanished'?"

He gestured with his hands.  "Like poof, into thin air.  One second we could sense them, the next... nothing... gone."

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